January 10, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Countdown...

Hi, Everybody!
It's been unseasonably warm around the farmhouse the past few days. It gets cold at night, but it was actually sunny again yesterday, and we really like that. That's why I decided to use this picture from last fall.

The reason I used "countdown" as my post title today will be apparent in the next couple of pictures. They've moved in. Bella and I aren't really happy about it either. These two belong outside, but Old Soft Touch (Mom) went out to the barn last week to find MORE CATS! She figured the only way to make the interlopers go away was to take up the food and water and make it more inhospitable out there.

This ottoman seems to be Claudette's favorite perch. It doesn't matter if Bella or I are roamin' around the house or not. She can be found here most times of the day. (At night, she's upstairs prowlin' around for non-existent mice.)

Crystal, on the other paw, prefers hangin' out on Mom's bed. I'm not happy about that either. But when I'm not with Mom, I'm in my crate - because Bella is still on a rampage as far as I'm concerned. She or I are in our crates while the other of us is out. It's just safer that way - for now. Believe me, Mom and Dad are still workin' with our vet to figure out a solution to that. In the meantime, felines are takin' advantage of the situation.

Anyway, I always hear Mom talkin' in the middle of the night, and when I asked her about it, she said this little wench is always wakin' her up. She starts lickin' Mom's face and tryin' to chew her hair. Plus, Crystal jumps on and off the bed all night. Who knew the bloody things were nocturnal? (I guess you're probably laughin' about now. Of course, everybody knows they're nocturnal, but Mom never thought about it before invitin' them in. She's thinkin' about it now!)

This one is scarce when Bella is out, but whenever she sees me, she's all cuddly and stuff. As you can see, I'm not much of a fan of this sort of harassment.
While Claudette would happily be a house cat, Dad will never tolerate that...and Mom wouldn't make Crystal live outside alone. The kid prefers to have more freedom than to be an indoor kitty. So Mom is workin' hard to work on evictin' the new squatters. (So far she's seen two of 'em.) She's hopin' she will have pursuaded them to move on in the next week. (I'm guessin' it's gonna be somethin' loud and scary.) Like she doesn't have enough on her plate already right now.

If you have any suggestions I can pass on to her, please leave a comment. I'll make sure she sees it. In the meantime, Bella and I are the downstairs critters, and those two cheeky felines are the upstairs critters. We need to change that toot sweet. I'm missin' sleepin' on the bed with Mom! Paws crossed she figures it out soon.
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."


  1. Mom has such a soft heart for those kitties, doesn't she Tag.
    Maybe the new tenants will move on when there's no food put out.
    It's kinda sad that there's so many feral cats, people need to be more responsible.
    I'm sure it's hard for Mom to turn them away.
    Hang in there Tag!

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      Today's update. The weather was nice and the squatters moved on (at least for the day). Mom got new litter for the inside girls. She read that pelletized horse bedding was cheaper, smelled better, and worked better than the clay she'd been usin'. The clay was always on the floor when they got out, and kinda smelled.The new stuff was awesome, and Crystal used it right away. Claudette, on the other paw, decided to poop on the floor rather than use it. Guess what?! That was enough to make them outside cats again. Mom decided they can shoo the visitors away from their digs. She's gonna leave it to them to defend their own territory. She cleaned everythin' up in their outside apartment, (of course) cleaned up inside, and our world is back to normal. She'll make sure they're warm and fed, but no more in the house! Yippee!!!

  2. Oh my goodness - Dad isn't going to be happy about this turn of events is he. I'm actually surprised that the kitties are content with being inside. Most outdoor kitties would hate it. There must be a sign somewhere so that kitties know your barn is a safe place to go.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Read what I wrote to Miss Marilyn (above). Problem solved, but Claudette is still hangin' around by the door. She's such a sweet, little heartbreaker.

  3. It is so difficult to try to get the ferals to move on. I am a sucker for a starving cat so I have more cats than I want. I also live in the country. If there is food, more show up. If you can, maybe just feed the girls inside and then let them out. You could keep their water on the porch. Or if you have a laundry room or bathroom you can designate as their room for now, it will give you a way to isolate them for awhile when the dogs need a break or you need some sleep. My heart goes out to you. I wish I could be more help. - Kathy

    1. Hi Miss Kathy:
      Those are all great ideas. Mom might have been open to those solutions if Claudette hadn't launched a colon bomb on the floor overnight. Mom said that's completely unacceptable, so she went outside, cleaned up their outside apartment and moved them both outside. It's nice today, so the ferals moved on. Our girls will make she they stay gone...or Mom will step in to help them. She's gonna make sure C & C are warm and fed, but no more full time inside. Crystal is kinda payin' for Claudette's transgressions, but I actually think she likes it better out there anyway. She's a little wild child at heart...but she does love night time cuddles.

  4. Oh Tag, starting off with the first photo, that would get anyone's attention, very handsome. I'm wondering if maybe you photo shopped C & C on the ottoman and bed?? hmm. And in Claudette's defense, two cats two litter boxes. And Arm & Hammer multicat (no fragrance) is excellent. Thanks for the good laugh, you are always so entertaining. Well you made it through one week, only fifteen more to go, you've got this.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      Thanks for callin' me "handsome". You've got good taste! I didn't photo shop those varmints, but that would be preferable. Two litter boxes?!! They're lucky to have one. They're used to just goin' in Mom's flower beds! She was goin' above and beyond to put one in the barn. They got used to clay litter, so this stuff was too high class for them. Divas! I'll tell Mom about your suggestion. Dad told us that Carly is really groovin' with the resident, rescue greyhounds. I hope she doesn't forget about us! Thanks for your note today.

  5. Sherry of createology: Tag you are the smart one and you knew that Claudette and Crystal cannot live in the house. Mom will figure everything out before Dad returns home. While Dad isn’t home you do know that you are in charge! Enjoy your Sunshine…

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      You're so right. I've got guile and experience over these two critters. Mom's already kicked them out, but she still lets Claudette visit for an hour or so at night. Then she puts her back out before headin' up to bed. I'll tell Mom you said I'm in charge while Dad's in Florida. I'll let you know what she says.
      Big Smooches,


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Blessings, Donna