January 17, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - PSA #5...

 Hi, Everybody!

No, you're not seein' double. Mom was so busy that I didn't get a new picture this week. Plus, I really stink at takin' selfies...No thumbs, you know.

First of all, Mom promises to answer all your comments on the last two posts, but usually by the end of the day right now, she's bushed. You won't believe the mess! Bella and I decided we're just gonna stay out of the way until it's all done.

So, here's my new Public Service Announcement.

If you have a dog (or maybe even a cat), I'm sure you've thought at one time or another, "Gee. I bet Spot would love a companion. Maybe we should get another dog/cat to keep him/her company?"

Trust me. Your dog isn't thinkin' that.They like bein' an only dog. They like hogin' the attention all to themself. They like not havin' to share treats, or the bed, or the sofa.

Take Bella, for instance. She's been tellin' me that since the beginnin' of December...and she repeats herself every day. Frankly, I'm startin' to think she's lost her memory. I keep tellin' her, "Alright, already! I got the message!" 

Yeah. She's still doin' it. Mom's gonna call the vet today to see if there's some kind of doggie downer we can give her to snap her out of this. The stuff she's been takin' from the vet for the past two weeks isn't makin' a dent in her attitude. But back to the PSA.

Mom and Dad also aren't fans of dog parks. We keep readin' stuff from our friends on Facebark about how a dog got poisoned by somethin' he picked up on the ground at the park. There are other stories about dogs that get hurt by other dogs.

Trust me. Your dog doesn't care about anythin' except spendin' time with you...their pack leader. Take 'em for walkies. Let 'em sit on the sofa and share a tuna fish sandwich with you. Keep us...ahem...them safe from moody b@tch!s and they'll be happy as clams!

There! I've said my piece for this week. Hope it's given you a little food for thought. Speakin' of food...I think I hear some bein' offered! Gotta run!

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."


  1. I think Mom is so right about doggie parks - I've often wondered about how safe they are and it seems that there's often news reports about people leaving horrible things there that make dogs sick (or worse). I've also wondered how often dogs get into fights at those places...not my idea of a good place to be. We have a dog park not too far from here and it was quite popular but unfortunately in the middle of nowhere. Last year there was a guy lurking around that wasn't on the up and up so now people pretty much don't go there anymore.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      That sounds really scary! I think it's good to stay away from there then. Thanks for the note!

  2. Sherry of createology: Tag you always have the best PSA’s. Your insight is right on…of course you being of the best dog breed. See ya in a few days my Little Corgi Cutie. Go get that food…

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      Dad might disagree with you about the 'best breed' part, but you and I know you're right! wink Thanks for your weekly note. I really look forward to it!

  3. You just can't top a canine with such wonderful common sense as you have.
    Tuna fish sandwich, yum, with chips I hope. Just can't have tuna without chips.
    And I'm sure mom is bushed. With all that sorting and swapping of rooms let alone
    the regular daily chores added in there. Whoa Nellie is right!

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      Thanks so much! Always with chips. Is there any other way? blech! Mom sits down in the livin' room chair (Dad's chair) at night and falls right asleep. I have to wake her up just so she'll go to bed. She's not done yet, but at least we can see some of the floors in those rooms again. I'll make sure she drinks lots of water and takes break.

  4. I would be afraid of dog parks too Tag.
    Too many things could happen.
    I do hope they find something to he;p Bella soon.

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      Mom is gonna call Bella's vet today. We'll see if there's somethin' else we can try to help her (and me). Thanks for your concern.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna