January 3, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - New Year, New Me...

Hi, Everybody!
Happy New Year 2023

Hard to believe it's time to change the calendar again. Mom figures it will be February or March before she stops writin' 2022. Do you have that trouble, too?

It was a busy weekend around here. There was a little celebratin', but there was mostly doin' laundry, packin', and plannin' routes. In the end, everythin' was in its place in the back of Dad's truck by Sunday night, so the only thing he had to pack yesterday mornin' was Carly's crate and his overnight bag.

Dad and The Princess of Everythin' were on their way by 9 am (8:57 to be exact), which was exactly the plan. Seein' as how it's about 1500 miles to Bradenton, he wanted to get a good start. He called Mom durin' the day, and he finally stopped just a short distance from Paducah, Kentucky. Mom could finally rest for the day, knowin' he'd made it safely that far.

She'd seen on the weather reports that bad weather is comin' our way, with thunder storms between Texas/Louisiana and all the way up to Nashville, so she gave him a heads up. He drove further than he'd originally planned, and should be okay by the time he gets back on the road this mornin'. 

So, thanks everybody for all the safe travel prayers and wishes. It's workin'! I'm sure Mom will keep you posted the rest of his trip, but I wanted to say somethin' today. Carly is gonna be gone with Dad for about four months. You know what that means, right? I'm here with Mom and Bella. Wish me luck!
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."

(Ya like my new signature?)


  1. Yes, I also have trouble writing the new year.
    I wish Dad & Carly a safe trip the rest of the way, avoiding those storms.
    I love your new signature Tag!

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      Thanks! As of Tuesday night, Dad and Carly are in Macon, Georgia in heavy storms. They drove into Macon during tornado warnings, and are just hopin' they don't lose power like last night. We hopin' it stops rainin' the rest of the trip, but either way, they should land at their accommodations in Florida by mid-afternoon. We're glad they're doin' good.
      Thanks again. Smooches,

  2. I looked to see your new signature before I read the head's up so I'm ahead of you on that one Tag.
    Glad to know that Dad is checking in regularly and I wish him and Carly a continued safe trip.

    1. Thanks, Miss MA: They're doin' good and makin' great time. Stayin' in Macon, GA tonight and reach their final destination for this trip mid-afternoon tomorrow. He calls Mom a couple times a day - plus she always makes his night's reservations based on his day's destinations - so he's real good at keepin' in touch. Mom feels better knowin' he's doing okay while he's out.

  3. Sherry of createology: Good Mornin Tag. It is raining here. Glad Dad and Carly are making good time. You and Bella and Mom will stay safe and warm in the house while the kitties are livin the good life in the Compass Barn. You are a very good dog!! Love and Smooches…XO

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      Rainin' here, too! It's slowly gettin' cold again. ugh. Dad and Carly will be in Florida at their destination by mid-afternoon Wednesday, and we're real glad, too. As for the kitties...they're in the house on and off. Mom had them in last night, but they thought her feet were mice under the blankets, so they started pouncin' on her at 3 am. She got up, put on her boots and barn coat and escorted them back to the barn. She left food for them, and came back to the house, where she went back to bed and promptly feel asleep. Jury's still out on whether or not they'll stay in overnight again. She'll make sure they're nice and warm, if not.
      Love and Smooches to you, too!

  4. Oh Tag, I do wish you luck. Mom, Bella, and the two barn girls, you seem to be outnumbered.
    But you can do this. Large and in charge Tag!
    Smooches for an easy four months.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      Thanks for thinkin' about me, too. I'm surrounded by hormones these days! But, you're right. I'm up to the task. I got more than enough testosterone to conquer all these female-types. Well, except Mom. She's always in charge. snort
      Big Hugs and Smooches,


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna