Brynwood Needleworks - Ellie Quilt Embroidery Detail |
Yes. I was called for jury duty yesterday. If you have read my blog long enough to know a few things about me, one thing should be apparent by now. I do
not like to sit idly. Ever.
We were informed in our service package that we would be leaving our belongings in an unsecure room if we were selected to a case, so I left my phone, any project, book, or anything that I could use to amuse myself while waiting. I arrived at 8 am on a cloudy, rainy day, but the precip was light, so I didn't even grab my umbrella.
We were welcomed and told that the clerk was going back upstairs (in the courthouse), to pull a random list of those who would be called for the initial "voir dire" (pronounced vwaa deer) - a Latin term for the preliminary examination of a juror or witness. That was a 8 am. We all then cooled our heels for a mind-numbing two and a half hours before the judge appeared in our room.
He explained that, faced with an imminent jury trial, the plaintiff caved and made a deal with the court. We were excused with the thanks. The best news is that I haven't received another letter for service before the end of this month, so I am now exempt from service for four years! So, with a smile on my face, I followed the other people outside.
It was still sprinkling lightly, and our designated parking lot was more than a city block away. As this line of people followed the sidewalk along the river behind the city/county building, we were about halfway on our trek when the sky opened up and it absolutely poured. There was no way to go except forward.
By the time I got to my car, I was soaked to the skin. My shoes were waterlogged, and my hair was dripping in my face and down my neck. On a positive note, I earned a whole $30 for my attendance for the morning. sigh
Brynwood Needleworks - Ready To Layer And Quilt |
When I got home, I went upstairs, changed my clothes and dried my hair. Then, I pulled the color I wanted from my Anchor™ floss assortments, and stitched my great-niece's name (actually Elizabeth's nickname) onto her Birthday quilt top.
Now that I've finished the embroideries, I'll layer and quilt today. I should be sewing on the binding before dinnertime. Ahhhh, to be back to busy hands. Happy me!