August 4, 2020

Tuesdays With Tag - Me and My Shadow...

Brynwood Needleworks - Tag - August 2020

 Hi, Everybody! 

Happy August! 
This month is off to a great start. Warmer weather durin' the day, and cool nights. A guy really has to love hangin' out in the yard when there are so many wonderful new smells.

Why, just last week, our neighbor, Farmer Sippel, cut all the hay in the north fields. The geese and sandhill cranes loved that! They've been landin' in the field, honkin' or callin', and givin' Boo, The Kid, and me somethin' to check out!

Brynwood Needleworks - Carly Is Watching

Last week, I was runnin' through the yard, and spotted all the cut hay. Of course, I wasn't alone, and apparently, I was bein' watched (by more than just Mom and Dad). 

Brynwood Needleworks - Checking Out The Hay

I caught a whiff of somethin' so I decided to follow my nose...right to the hay. How else are you gonna find out what's what if you don't dig in? So, I did! (Don't worry. This hay is on our property. I'm authorized.)

Brynwood Needleworks - "Hey, Tag. Can I Help?"

Next thing I know, someone's tappin' my hind quarters, and pushin' up against my bunny butt. Seriously? Can't a guy have a little privacy around here? You'd think that somebody's mother would be doin' her job...but apparently, she was off doin' her business, and needed a little "alone time".
Brynwood Needleworks - "Watcha Doin'?"

Not one to observe "social distancin'", The Kid barged right into my space "to help". I actually hadn't planned on this bein' a two-dog hole. I'd only planned on diggin' a hidey hole big enough for my own Corgi self.

Actually, I didn't mind too much. She was brave, and dug right in next to me! She can be a real noodge, but I think she's kinda growin' on me. The bigger (and more relaxed) she gets, the more I think I might not mind havin' her around.

Brynwood Needleworks - Taking Off The Bailed Hay

It's a good thing I did that explorin' when I did. The next day Farmer Sippel and his team baled and loaded all that gorgeous, fragrant hay! Not little wimpy bales, either. Nope. Bales as big as Volkswagens!!! We don't even know how they could stack those bad boys that high without blowin' out the tires on his truck!

It was so impressive, Dad had to go out to check it out. He made us stay back at the house so we didn't get smooshed by fallin' bales. Better safe, than sorry.

Brynwood Needleworks - "Come On! I Wanna Play!"

I was happy just to jump up onto my favorite spot on the livin' room couch, but even there, that little, black furball has to come over and try to sweet talk me. I guess I'm gonna have to get used to the fact that, at least for a while, if she's not in her kennel, she's gonna be in my face. How long does this puppy stage last, anyway?

 I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...
"Just Do It...but not on the rug."


  1. Replies
    1. Hi, Miss Marilyn:
      We do have awesome butts, don't we? lol Thanks for leavin' a comment. We see you again next week.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna