November 27, 2018

Tuesdays With Tag - Harvest Time...

Taggart - Outstanding In His Field

 Hi, Everybody!

It's almost December, and I've been a good boy this year. I just know Santa is gonna bring good stuff for me! I'm not sure about Bella, but we'll keep ya posted.

Catchin' Somethin' On The Breeze

Hey! Do you hear that? I hear somethin'. I'm not sure where it is. I haven't got the best vantage point down here, ya know. I have to rely on my keen sense of smell, and deductive powers.

Let's see...

I Think It's That-a-way

I think it's comin' from over that way. Seems like there's somethin' in the fields besides coyotes, turkeys and raccoons. This is much louder than that. I know I've heard that sound before, and not that long ago. Hmmmm...I believe further investigation is in order.

Neighborhood Farmers

I was right! There's a big truck on the road, and there are a couple of tractors haulin' trailers behind 'em. I asked Mom and she said they're busy harvestin' corn off the property they own, and this field which belongs to our neighbors, Andy and Shelly. There's a lot of it, too! They're definitely gonna be at it for a while!

Our field to the north has already been harvested. The land we lease was harvested the day Mom was at the holiday craft fair. She was really surprised when she got home to see all that corn was gone!

Gotta Run

I, on the other hand, have more pressin' matters to attend to. As soon as I'm finished with, we'll be headin' back inside. After all, it's gettin' cold out here, and there are animal crackers waitin' for anyone who's been a good boy. Yessiree. That would be meeeeee!!!
 I'll see you again in seven, 'til then...  
"Chase A Dream - Or A Squirrel".

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tag. Harvesting corn is a big job but the farm equipment now-a-days is amazing and makes it very quick. We visited a huge corn farm in Ohio and got lessons on how it is done. You need to be far away from that equipment or you will become cornmeal. Animal Crackers??? Yum! I think I shall go eat some with my Constant Comment Tea. Smooches...


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Blessings, Donna