November 23, 2018

Our Thanksgiving...

Web Image Thanksgiving Turkey

Happy post-Thanksgiving, friends. We don't observe Black Friday at the farm. We stay home...grateful for what we have, rather than going out to vie for deals with frantic, post-tryptophan, early bird shoppers. It's never been our thing, and I'm still not sure I even get it.

Grazing on Facebook last night, I saw an entry from our hometown police scanner saying that 15-20 people were already fighting in a local Target parking lot! Craziness, I tell you.

Anyway, I do have a story to tell you about our day. After decades of always bringing home a frozen turkey, and placing the shrink-wrapped bird into cold water to thaw, this year I did something different. I decided to refrigerator-thaw the bird according to Jenni-O "safe-thawing" recommendations and guidelines.

Handsome and I were spending Thanksgiving on our own, so I found a nice, small 11 pound bird. Jenni-O said putting it in the fridge to thaw on Monday would give us a bird that was ready to prep and roast for that's what I did.

I took it out of the fridge today to find a rock-hard bird! Seriously! I told Handsome it was a darn good thing we weren't expecting company! I took the bird, double bagged it in plastic bags, filled the sink with well-water cold water, and declared that we'd have our turkey dinner today, instead of on Thanksgiving Day. (Thanks, Jenni-O. sigh)

I had a delicious English beef roast in the refrigerator, so I made a wonderful shepherd's pie instead. Believe me when I say we sure didn't suffer. It was just right for the blustery Thanksgiving we had yesterday.  The menu change left me with a lot of spare time, though.

Brynwood Needleworks - Hickory Hill Farm Hickory Syrup
I decided to make up a new batch of Hickory Hill Farm Hickory Syrup. and that was finished mid-afternoon. I mentioned it on my Facebook page, and nearly sold out of it! There are still a few bottles available through my Brynwood shop (HERE).

Then, I even went up to the studio, set up my ironing board and got caught up on all the ironing I've put off for way too long. Got every bit of it done! I'll be able to head into the weekend without thinking about still having to manage that task.

Today, our new upright freezer is being delivered. I'm especially chuffed (tickled) that my sales last weekend financed the purchase. (Thanks again to everyone who purchased my creations at the Kewaskum Holiday Craft Show - and since!) 

As soon as it's plugged in and up (down?) to temp, I'll be transferring food from our crammed kitchen freezer down into the new one. Am I silly to be so excited?

I'll be back tomorrow to tell you what else I manage to accomplish. Enjoy your Friday, and if you're a Black Friday shopper, be careful out there!



  1. I'm with you Donna! I don't understand the whole Black Friday thing. It really brings out the worst in people. It sounds though that your Thanksgiving turned out just fine, regardless of the frozen turkey!

  2. Staying away from all crazed shoppers and offline is just right for me. We have had company and did go sightseeing in our new community and it was quite pleasant...sunny yet chilly. Oops now hubby has a massive cold. Congratulations on your new freezer.


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Blessings, Donna