August 22, 2024

August Classmate Gathering...

(l-r: Back Row: Cal, Deb B., Karen S., me, Bruce. Front Row: Brad, Deb O., John and Mary)

I woke up yesterday morning on a mission. I had orders for cinnamon rolls to be delivered to classmates when we got together for early dinner yesterday. I frosted the last batch twenty minutes before I had to leave to meet up with them.

In the end, I'd made five pans of four rolls, and another with only two rolls in it (those were for Handsome and me). I sold four and took the last one up the hill to Andy and Shelly on my way home.

As always, I made sure to get a photo of the group before we parted ways, and we set the date for our September dinner. I always post the photo in our class group on Facebook, so next month we may have more people able to attend. It's always a great time, and there are always hugs before we go our separate ways.

I'll debut that finished strawberry tomorrow. I know you're anxious to see it done. It seems to have taken forever this time. I guess it's my short attention span these days. Oh, Look!! A squirrel!..... lol


  1. Looks like a fun time with classmates!
    Mmmm, Cinnamon Rolls! :)

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      It was another fun evening. Thanks!

  2. It's nice that there's a mix of people at the get together because often times the men don't want to take part. Perhaps as time goes one there will be more that will be able to attend. I'm sure the cinnamon rolls were fought over!

    1. Hi MA:
      The guys that show up are really good guys. I send out the first notice to our group as soon as I get home after our dinners, letting everyone know the date for the next one so they can mark their calendars. They get two more reminders ahead of the actual date. (I'm like a den mother) lol I didn't have any rolls left when I drove home!

  3. Goodness, another month has gone by already?! Your months are truly full and blessed! Hoping that Handsome continues to experience exceedingly good progress! Looking forward to seeing the finished fairy berry - the stitching was beautiful! Now to go find something that will satisfy my sudden craving for cinnamon rolls...

    1. Hi Lois:
      Hard to believe, isn't it? I wish I could slow down the clock. There never seems to be enough time. I wish I could send the rolls right to you, dear, but I fear they wouldn't fare well in transit.

  4. Looks like another fun evening.
    The months really fly by.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      It really was nice. Good food and great friends. I agree about time. I need more, please.


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Blessings, Donna