August 24, 2024

New In My Library...

I just received two new books for my needlework library. They're both Elisabetta Sforza books, and wow! Talk about eye candy. These are the sorts of books you reach for for instruction and inspiration. They're filled with gorgeous examples of her handwork, and every single page is a treat.

Sea to Stitch is a guide to creating beautiful ocean-themed alphabet letters. There are waves and seashells of all sorts. I'm looking forward to practicing new techniques and trying to equal her impeccable skills.

A Flower Alphabet is even more wonderful than the first book of hers I own (In A Wheat Field), and I can't wait to create a few of these stunning floral alphabets. I'll definitely be attempting one soon. When I do, you know you'll be the first to know.

I'm making a special handbag for a little girl turning five this weekend. I'll be attending her Birthday party on Sunday, so today I sew. (Nothing like last minute, right? sigh) So, I guess I'd better close and get started. 

I hope you'll drop in for my Sunday Scripture tomorrow, and then I'll be back to chat on Monday. Happy Weekend!


  1. They look like gorgeous books.
    I think you already equal her skills!
    Have fun with them. Can't wait to see what you create.

  2. Those books look absolutely stunning and definitely drool-worthy. I have two books on my shelf that I return to over and over just to feel inspired... 'The Art of Annemieke Mein - Wildlife Artist in Textiles' and 'Celtic, Viking & Anglo-Saxon Embroidery' by Jan Messent. If I could only keep a few books those would be the ones.

  3. I’ve seen her work online but didn’t realize she had books. I might just have to look into the flower alphabet. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your weekend. Andrea Hickman


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Blessings, Donna