August 1, 2024

Laundry Day Stitching...

It was laundry day (actually most of this week...sigh), but I did manage to get in a little stitching amid the sorting, washing, drying, and folding. I'm adding new colors into the mix, so we'll see where this goes from here.

Laundry was (understandably) neglected over the past few weeks, so it's time to catch up. I'm glad there's not a lot of ironing to do, but if I decide to tackle Handsome's white formal band shirts, I'll be doing that in the basement where it's considerably cooler.

With a little help from #2 son, we got the window air conditioner down from the attic and installed on Tuesday. The larger of the three is now installed in the kitchen, too, so we have cooler air downstairs for as long as we need it for this current heat wave. People and pets are all much happier. Of course, we prefer the birdsong during the day and yips and howls of the coyotes at night, so as soon as the heat breaks, we'll be back to open windows around the farmhouse.

Di will be back in Wisconsin this weekend, so I'll work to a deadline to get her patriotic tote sewn together so I can give it to her when I see her. I'll share the finished project with you first. It should be an interesting day. Laundry in the basement, and sewing on the second floor. I see a lot of ups and downs in my immediate future. 

And then there's this (already)...



  1. The embroidery is so beautiful.
    I'm glad you will have cooler sir, it's wicked out there.
    Happy August!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      It's raining as I type this. Hoping it brings cooler weather behind it as the a/c units have been running non-stop. I don't want to even look at the meter outside. I'm sure it's just whizzing around right now. ugh Happy August, dear!

  2. Funny how laundry has a habit of piling up but I know you feel accomplished when it's caught up. Glad you had another a/c unit you could install which makes things much more comfortable until, of course, the hydro bill arrives. We have a portable unit in our living room and with judicious placement of tower fans and our ceiling fans in the bedroom and my sewing room we're doing okay.
    Your stitchery is looking so pretty!

    1. Hi MA:
      With all the other things going on, the last thing on my mind was laundry...until I went downstairs to see what had accumulated at the bottom of the chute. yikes! I was just saying the exact same thing to Marilyn. Electricity is astronomical right now, and it's going to be awful this month. We've got all the ceiling and floor fans running, too, but I'm going to turn off the a/c units tonight, hoping it will be cool enough with the rain to sleep comfortably. Fingers crossed.
      Thank you, dear!

  3. Sherry of createology: 107F here today. Husband was wise and bought a new air conditioner in January. We are fine inside the house or vehicle. This heat is making me lazy and tired. I like the addition of your colors to this embroidery. August is my favorite month! I don’t know why laundry is such a chore. Can you imagine shlepping it all down to the river and bending over the rocks to scrub and rinse all of it. Then schlepping it back uphill to dry it on tree limbs or rocks?!! We are so very spoiled!

    1. Hi Sherry:
      107ยบ???!!! I'd be useless, for sure! You've got a smart hubby, my friend. It's like when we lived in Florida. A/C ran all summer. Get showered and dressed, and by the time you got to the car, you'd be soaked again. I don't miss that at all. I'm a cool weather gal. If I had to schlep laundry to a river, I'd have a whole lot fewer clothes in my closet! (Maybe that would be a good thing?) I was helping my farm wife neighbor in her home a few summers ago. She had two pantsuits, a dress, a couple pairs of slacks and a blazer hanging in her closet. I've never forgotten that. I hate buying new clothes, so perhaps I should reduce to my current favorites, some jeans, and store the other things (that are my current size) in totes until the current ones wear out. Then I could "shop" my totes for something new. The stuff that doesn't fit me now can be donated. What do you think?


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Blessings, Donna