August 6, 2024

Adding Leaves and Buds...

Di showed up yesterday with one of her granddaughters, so I didn't stitch as long as I'd planned. I did get started with the buds and leaves, though. I'll definitely add more the next time I work on it. (As I posted my progress from the weekend in my last post, you'll be able to scroll up and down to compare the two to see the differences.)

Our neighbor contacted me to let me know he has sweet corn now, so I met him at his house to get three dozen to pressure can. I'd planned to do that yesterday afternoon before Di drove in, so now it will have to wait until Wednesday, as I work today. 

Three dozen ears will hold us over until next season, but he offered more when the next crop matures. I've already accepted that offer, so the second batch will be the prep for creamed corn. I don't add dairy to my preserved foods for safety reasons, so I call the creamed corn "prep" because I add cream and butter when I use it, rather than in the canning stage.

Handsome and I already discussed what we'll be canning this year...tomatoes (of course), carrots, corn, tomato basil soup, and jalapeƱo jelly. I'll also be canning more beef tallow, and meat, to round out the pantry. 

While I'm processing the corn, I'll also be packaging more brownie mix, corn muffin mix, and some seasonings. We'll roll into winter this year fully stocked.

So, I'm off to work today, and I'll be back tomorrow with the news of the day. Happy Tuesday, dears. I hope you have a wonderful day.


  1. Gorgeous stitching!
    Wow, you will be busy canning, for sure.
    Did Di squeal when you gave her the tote? :)

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      She sure did! She carried it to her class reunion, and hasn't gone anywhere without it since. I think it was a hit, for sure.
      Thank you, dear. I'm looking forward to getting all the corn processed and into the pantry.

  2. Sounds like you have lots planned for the near future. Resident Chef came in from his balcony garden this morning bemoaning the fact that his tomatoes will likely all be done by the end of next week. Seems far too early! Corn has started here too and if it's a fleeting season like the tomatoes we're going to have to make regular trips to the market in order to eat our fill. Neither one of us appreciates canned or frozen corn so we pig out when it's fresh.

    1. Hi MA:
      I'll be busy, for certain. My tomatoes haven't done a thing yet. ugh I'll be buying tomatoes from the local farm grower soon for the things I want to can. They'll augment my frozen (yet to be processed) romas from last year. I'll be buying the rest of what I need. sigh Actually, my pressure canned sweet corn tastes just like it came off the cob, and just as crisp. It's the perfect way for me to preserve it around here. It tastes like summer in a jar.

  3. Sherry of createology: No photo of Di squealing when you gave her the actual Patriotic Tote? Lots of pantry goodies for you and Handsome to prepare. Fresh Corn on or off the Cob is the best!

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Alas, I was a bad blogger. There was so much going on with the kids at my nephew's house, that I was lucky to see her reaction. I do know she's thrilled with it, though. I just don't have a photo to prove it (yet). We ate fresh sweet corn with dinner, and this is absolutely wonderfully sweet and crisp. yummy for sure.


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Blessings, Donna