June 22, 2024

Saturday Silliness...

I'm working today, so I thought I'd drop in for a minute and leave a little silly image for you. This one comes from Oter News. I immediately had the song in my head, and I'm sure you probably will, too. You're welcome. lol It's kind of a hit and run as I'm on my way out the door. Enjoy!

June 21, 2024

Another Opening, Another Show...

It's showtime!!! The hollyhocks have begun to open since the latest rain. I wanted you to see the variety of colors, ranging from white to dark magenta and red. Not all the hollyhocks in the front of the group have opened yet, so I'm going to wait until they do to share a photograph of all of them together. They're a bouquet that just keeps on giving. 

If you're really quiet, you'll hear the soft buzzing of the hummingbirds and bees, as well as the raucous arrival of the Baltimore oriols as they shoo away the woodpeckers and other small birds who've decided they, too, love grape jelly. I refill that jar every. single. day. Handsome says it's a wonder they're not all diabetic!

These are the wondrous things right outside our kitchen windows. Now, when I stand at the new sink in the pantry, I can also watch a pair of wrens who have set up housekeeping in a birdhouse. There, I can see them as they land and sing as they greet each other. I have a hummingbird feeder on this side as well, so if it's too busy in the kitchen garden, they just buzz over to the quieter side of the house.

I hope you enjoy these beautiful hollyhocks as much as I do! Happy Weekend again (already), my friend.  

June 20, 2024

June Classmate Dinner...

Our monthly classmate dinner has become quite a hit, with more people joining each month. There were twelve of us yesterday, with another classmate who saw us jumping in for the photograph.

L-R back row: Al, Claire, Janet, Max, me, Bruce, Mary, and Dan  L-R front row: Karen S., Julie, Karen C., Deb B. and Brad.

Brad recently had a birthday and Bruce had been coveting my cinnamon rolls since seeing a post I put up on Facebook last month, so I baked a tray of 15 rolls for our gathering (plus a tray of 6 for home) in the morning. I frosted them about a half hour before heading to the restaurant. I was quite gratified when everyone tucked into theirs after dinner. They were a huge hit, and I even have orders (they're going to buy them from me!) for next month. Actually, there were four rolls left at the end of our meal, and Bruce snagged those to take home, handing me money before we parted. I may be onto a little side business here!

We love taking these photographs each month to capture these moments in time. Hard for me to believe that we range in age from 68 to nearly 70. We sure don't act or feel like it (most of the time). When we get together, it's like we go back in time for a little while and forget all our cares. It's really nice.

We set our date before parting ways and are looking forward to seeing each other next month. I wish all of you could join us. We're a really fun group of friends to hang around with.

June 19, 2024

A New Fairy Steed In The Family...

Last week, I got a call from my brother-in-law. He had a question to ask me. About a month ago, my sister, Di lost her German Shepherd who previously belonged to our Dad. For her, losing that dog was like losing Dad all over again. Like Tag, Titus failed fast, giving no advance opportunity to prepare. In a flash, he was gone. Di was understandably devastated. Thankfully, she and her husband had another dog in their family to help ease the pain a little.

The call I received was to ask whether or not I thought Di might welcome a six month old puppy into their family. Was she ready for another dog? Was she ready for another Corgi? She lost her first Corgi, which we rescued in Florida for her, in August of 2013 after a tragic accident. Tag wrote about her HERE.

I was told this new pup didn't look at all like Ceri. She's black and tan and white...and she has a tail! "A black-headed tri!", I told him. When he sent photos I told him she's a Pembroke with a tail and a beautiful face. Yes. I thought my sister would welcome this pup with open arms.

Currently, Di is staying at their campsite three hours from home, and her husband goes up for a week at a time, when he can take vacation time from work. His plan was to surprise her last weekend, and could I keep it a secret from her? I assured him I could.

I got a call from Di on Saturday after her husband arrived, calling me "Mrs. Secret Keeper", and I could hear her grin through the phone. I giggled and asked her what she thought. You can see her obvious joy in this photograph.

Here's where the real story begins. I found myself going around the house all morning as I waited for Di's call, thinking about what she might call this little girl. The first name that occurred to me was "Grace". I dismissed it because, well...Mom Grace, plus her best friend's granddaughter's name is "Gracelyn". No. she wouldn't go for that, but in spite of the fact that I have an entire list of "Corgi" names, nothing else occurred to me.

Well, I asked Di what she decided to name the puppy and without hesitation she responded, "Grace. Saving Grace, because she's saved me from my sadness over losing Dad's dog." I started to cry, and when she asked what was wrong, I told her about the only name that had been swirling around in my head for the past five or six hours. I told her we were more connected than simple genetics. Our connection is much deeper and more spiritual. Her reply was a simple, "I've known that for many years, Donna." I well up with tears again just recounting this exchange for you.

So, my friends, meet "Saving Grace" aka "Grace". I'm going to the campsite to spend a week with Di in July, so I'll get to meet this little girl. You know how she'll weasel her way into my heart, right? Another Corgi in the family, who tilts her head just like Tag did...sigh...and her ears are nearly as big! I can't wait!

Welcome to the family, Grace. We love you already.

June 18, 2024

Kaleb To The Rescue...

This young man showed up yesterday to tackle the "weed issue" here at the farmhouse. I admit, it really got away from me this year, and even though I tried, I was unable to make much headway. However, Kaleb managed to finish what I started in the kitchen garden, and start his way toward the front corner of the yard in front of the house. The progress he made was laudable.

He was here for five hours, and was careful not to take out the plants we wanted to retain. He turned down multiple offers for water (he brought his own) or even a lunch offered by yours truly. He just wanted to keep his head down and concentrate on the task at hand.

His dad, Lance raised a good boy. Kaleb is 14 years old. His dad told me he gets up at 4 am, exercises, reads his Bible, makes sure his homework is complete (during the school year) and is a straight A student. He assured me his son would work hard for us, and that was an understatement. I can see why he's in demand from other homeowners. He told me he'll return - as soon as he finds another gap in his schedule - to finish our job. We're looking forward to it. He's a wonderful young man.

This is a closeup of our kitchen garden, because I was actually focusing on the teacup bird feeder. Some of the hollyhocks closest to the house are already blooming, so you'll see more photos of them again soon. The "bushy" plant on the right is English lavender just starting to open up. It smells soooo good! My hostas can breathe again, which is really nice, too.

As requested by Charlene, here's a photo of my teacup feeder installed on the shepherd's hook I bought for it. Ha! The dangly bits were swinging in the breeze when I took this picture, so it looks like some of them have disappeared.

This is the button I glued on the back of my teacup. It says "Free as a bird". I think it's the perfect finishing touch for my project.

I'll share more photos of this area as soon as the hollyhocks open up over the next few days. For now, I'm off to work for the next six or seven hours, so I've got to fly. I'll see you again tomorrow!

June 17, 2024

June Craft Day...

It was my turn to lead our craft group this month, and I chose a sweet, little project making teacup (or mug) bird feeders. I'm sharing Sara's first this month. 

Here's a little closeup of hers, showing you the woodsy-themed design, and some of the details.

Nancy's was a more feminine tea cup and saucer set with little flowers along the border of both pieces. She even added a bit of bling to the bottom!

Marie's is also a more delicate tea set with flowers that she complimented with her added design elements. We were giggling that we can almost predict what each of us will create based on our past preferences. I would have guessed Marie would chose this set.

I specifically hunted for something that Linda could do in her favorite patriotic theme. The closest I could come was this cute lighthouse set. She found the extra elements I brought along (an eagle pendant and starry dangles) to add to her piece. 

I also had these huge flag buttons with me. She glued one to the bottom of her cup!

Kim's favorite color is aqua, and hard as I tried, I was unable to find anything in her color. I did find some plain white sets that had extra detail imprinted in the design of the cup, and she found lots of dusty blues to use instead. I love how hers turned out!

Adrienne always creates such elegant and vintage designs. She chose beautiful silks in a deep blue, added a key dangle near the handle, and added a heart charm to her beads at the bottom of the cup.
In case you're interested, we didn't drill anything. I came up with the idea of cutting wine corks into 1" think wafers, to which we secured small screw eyes. From there we glued them to the bottoms of the saucers and could add whatever hanging embellishments we wanted. It worked out great.

Finally, my cup. I chose a plain white that had a basket weave pattern on the outside of the cup and along the edge of the saucer. I added teardrop trim to the bottom of mine, and then glued the last dangle back onto the edge of the saucer to secure it. I figured this shiny bauble loop might be a place for a little bird to perch as it waits its turn at the feeder. I finished my design with a bird button on the bottom of the cup, and lilac blossom flowers glued to the sides.

Once again everyone took their set and added their own personality and creative talent to their cups. It was a simple project and made everyone smile when we were finished...and in the end, little birds will benefit when they visit each of our feeders. (Don't tell anyone, but purple is my sister, Di's favorite color. This might end up with her next month. I can always make another.)

I'm already looking forward to next month's project, but will definitely enjoy this one each summer.

June 16, 2024

June 15, 2024

Happy Hollyhocks...

Check out these crazy hollyhocks! That blue pot, nearly engulfed by the hollyhocks is large and heavy. It stands nearly three feet tall. The hollyhocks are nearly five feet tall, and they're getting ready to bloom. Won't that be magnificent?

This is the other side of the walkway. In between these two photos of the hollyhocks are three hostas holding their own, and a huge lavender plant...with lots of grass and weeds around them. I have a young man lined up who is doing yard work this summer, but he and his dad tell me he's swamped right now. ugh 

I know I'm going to have to do something to tame the wild growth in the next few days. but I have other things on my agenda first. Craft Day waits for no woman, so I'm hoping I'll have good weeding weather on Sunday.

I'm going to make tea so I can take a go-cuppa with me, and then I'll be on my way to Portage for the morning. I'll share photos on Monday of our projects. I sure hope they like what I've come up with! Gotta scoot...

June 14, 2024

Runaround Sue...

I spent nearly all day running errands yesterday. It began with a trip to the resale shops in search of supplies for the class I'm leading tomorrow. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, right? ugh (I did manage to find everything I needed in one stop, so that's good!)

After I completed my supplies search, I made a stop to purchase a few plants to start our vegetable garden for this year. The main crops will be tomatoes, squash, beans, onions, and herbs. I'll plant what I purchased on Saturday when I get back home from Portage.

Finally, a stop at the grocery store, and I came home with everything I went out for, and a feeling of accomplishment. 

Today, I'm doing a little prep work ahead of our crafting tomorrow, and then I'm going to help Handsome by mowing the yard before I have to go to work. He's been feeling like he's "out of gas", so I'm giving him extra pampering these days. We always pick up when the other needs the lift. As we both say, "It's what we do.". Because of that, my post is a little late today.

I head to work at 4 for a few hours, so I'd better get out the mower so I can finish with enough time to hop in the shower and head to the station. I'll see you again tomorrow. Happy Friday!

June 13, 2024

It Was A Good Day...

My day began by processing and bottling ten and a half 12 ounce bottles of hickory syrup. The whole farmhouse was filled with the aroma of the woodsy, sweet syrup. I was finished by four o'clock, and then I could do clean up and change clothes to run a couple errands before driving over to Buttermilk Creek Park for Handsome's first summer concert. 

I saw rain clouds in the distance, so I grabbed my umbrella along with my folding yard chair and set up my spot to enjoy the music. I parked myself under a huge, lush tree which protected me from the light drizzle we got before the concert. It was a perfect place to sit, but I was prepared to bolt if there were any signs of lightning. As it turned out, the sprinkles ended and we had sunshine again before sunset. There was a light breeze, and a nice crowd that came to watch the show.

This is the whole percussion section in one shot. Ladies on each end, and the guys standing in the center. The music was wonderful, and my favorite drummer sat at the drum set for a Duke Ellington medley near the end of the concert.

Handsome asked for "breakfast for dinner" once he saw the beautiful bottles of syrup, so we made homemade waffles, topped with fresh syrup along with farm fresh fried eggs. Just the right amount of food, considering he was sleeping in his favorite comfy chair shortly after he settled into it.

So, the day was productive and entertaining. That's a definite win in my book. I'm running errands this morning. Craft Day is this Saturday and I'm leading the project. I have a few things to pick up for what I have in mind, and then I'll grab a few groceries before coming back home. I can see already it's going to be another great day! Hope you can say the same.

June 12, 2024

Today's Project...

I'm using this photo from 2018 to show you what I'll be doing today. It's Hickory Syrup day at the farmhouse! Likely by the time you read this (if it's still morning), the kitchen will be filled with the wonderful sweet aroma of hickory syrup being bottled. 

Once it's all bottled, I'll water bath it so the jars will all be safely preserved for the usual short time they remain on the shelf. Our sons are already excited at the prospect of bottles heading their way, and depending on just how many I do today, I may have a few for sale. If so, you'll find a purchase button that will appear in my right sidebar tomorrow.

I'm working early today because it's supposed to get into the 80s by this afternoon, and I want to be finished - with all the canning and cleanup done - by then. So, as much as I'd love to chat more with you today, I really must run. I'll see you again tomorrow!

June 11, 2024

They're On Their Way...

These are in the mail now and on their way to Marilyn, Terri, Clara and Jody - the last four to receive theirs. I'm so grateful they were patient, and I hope each recipient loves their gift from my heart to theirs.

I work today, but am looking forward to homekeeping (kitchen restocking) for the rest of the week. I'll share photos - and perhaps even a recipe or two! See you tomorrow.

June 10, 2024

Four to Go!...

Four wee frogs ready to hop to new homes. I didn't show them finished so that they'll be a surprise for the recipients. Three will be scissors fobs and one will be a brooch. I did my best to make each one of (all of) these completely different from the others. 

In total - including the first one I made in class - I've completed fifteen frogs. I think I'll take a break from them for a bit and then I'll make a couple for my Etsy shop later this summer.

I'm going to be baking and canning this week. I need to restock the pantry with hickory syrup, canned mushrooms, pizza sauce, stewed tomatoes, tomato basil soup, my baking mixes (brownies, cake mixes, and corn muffins), and some of my cooking mixes (gravies and spice blends). 

I think I've told you before, but my main goal is to preserve many of the things that we usually buy at the store. With prices skyrocketing and all the additives (some not necessarily healthy), I'm happy to do the work in consideration of both of those things.

It's going to be a busy week, so I'm glad the frogs are done and will be on their way. I can't wait to hear how the last of the giveaway winners feels about theirs.

June 9, 2024

Sunday Scripture...

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

June 8, 2024

Three To Get Ready...

One more and they'll be ready to complete and ship! I'll do Number Four this weekend, and plan to do the mailing on Monday. If you're still waiting for your frog, are you excited? I'll let you know when your frog is on its way. 

I'm going to make my morning cuppa and head to my needlework frame. I hope you have a fabulous Saturday!


June 7, 2024

Regal Frogs...

I'm really loving the crowned versions of my goldwork frogs! I had one rosy gold crown, so I decided to make a little girly one. Yes. This one is already assigned to its new owner.

I finished stitching two of the "Charming" frogs, and only have one side and two legs to do on the third.  That leaves one more to finish all the frogs from my giveaway drawing. When it's done, I'll do all the final assembly. Three will be scissor fobs and one will become a brooch. 

I may even finish the stitching before I go to work later this afternoon. If not today, then definitely tomorrow. My plan is to have all of them stitched and made into fobs and a brooch by the end of the weekend. I can't wait to show you more. 

My hands are still hurting, but I'm not going to sit around licking my wounds. Time to soldier on and do what I love, even when it's not easy. I can say that I'm more content when I'm doing what I love.

Definitely makes for a Happy Friday!

PS. I did, in fact, write a post for yesterday. I think operator error set it to publish on the wrong date. I fixed it, but apologize that it didn't go up on schedule yesterday. sigh