June 4, 2024

A Day Of Remembrance...

Today would have been Fezzik's fourteenth birthday. I think it's only right to take a little time to remember the little boy who made me fall in love with Corgis. He was my first, and at ten and a half months old, I lost him far too soon.

If you were around at that time, you know just how devastated I was. I could barely breathe for weeks. It was only when I realized I needed a second Corgi to help me recover from his loss, that I began to heal. I'll forever miss him and the bright light he was in our lives, and I look forward to seeing him again when my time finally arrives.

Then, there's this boy. My Taggart. The boy who healed me from the loss of Fezzik. I was blessed to have him for nearly thirteen years. Today marks three months that we've been without him. 

I know he'll be waiting for me at The Bridge, too, but like all those dogs we've loved before, I'll miss him until the day I can again bury my nose in his fur. 

Thanks again to Twyla of Two Crazy Crafters blog who made the most beautiful prayer shawl for me when Fezzik died. The prayer she prayed into every stitch was that I would get a second Corgi to heal me. When it arrived, I wrapped myself in it as I grieved his passing. It was then that I realized I needed to find another. 

Many times over the years, I've wrapped myself in that shawl, grateful for the gift from my blogging friend, and again, I wrapped it around my shoulders when I cried over losing Tag. Her wonderful gift helps me remember good times, and makes each passing day a little easier. It's a kindness I'll never forget.

So, another milestone has passed. When I see litters of Corgi puppies shared online by my Corgi Nation friends, I admit I long for another one. However, Bella would have a difficult time with another puppy, and truthfully, I'm no spring chicken. I think at some point after she's gone, I'll just go to a local shelter to rescue the oldest dog there and give them a loving home for their golden years. Hopefully, that time is a long way down the road, as we've still got good years left with her (She's only nine).

For now, we'll be grateful for the time we had with all the dogs we've loved before, and give extra snuggles to Bella and Carly. Occasional treats will be in their futures, too! 


  1. Remembering Fezzik & Tag.

    1. Thanks, Marilyn. I learned this morning that this is also National Corgi Day. sigh

  2. Awwww Donna - I'm joining Marilyn in wrapping you in long-distance hugs. I know how difficult it is because I still mourn the loss of our Odin who was only four.

    1. Thank you, dear MA. I know you (and anyone who's lost a dear pet) completely understands. Some days are better than others. Some days I'm a complete mess. I'm sorry for your loss, too.

  3. As soon as I saw those two faces, yes the tears started.
    And the shawl, there are no words.
    Hugs to you my dear friend.

    1. Thank you so much, Shirley. I know you believe me when I say the tears flowed as I wrote this. Some day I'll share a photo of the prayer shawl. It's an ivory color and really quite beautiful in its simplicity. I do love it. I believe everyone who has felt a loss should have one.

  4. What a blessing to share life with such special pups! It sounds like your prayer shawl gives you a needed hug for healing and happy thoughts. Take care - Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy:
      There's just "something" about Corgis. Fezzik never caused me a moment of disappointment his whole, short life. Taggart was a force to be reckoned with. They were each wonderful in their own right. The prayer shawl helps me to this day. Thank you, dear.

  5. sherry of createology: I had not known of Corgis until Fezzik. Then Tag really stole my heart! I shall always think of him and his sweet personality. Donna you early know how to be the very best Mom to all of your fur pet dogs (and cats). Blessings and Love…


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Blessings, Donna