June 13, 2024

It Was A Good Day...

My day began by processing and bottling ten and a half 12 ounce bottles of hickory syrup. The whole farmhouse was filled with the aroma of the woodsy, sweet syrup. I was finished by four o'clock, and then I could do clean up and change clothes to run a couple errands before driving over to Buttermilk Creek Park for Handsome's first summer concert. 

I saw rain clouds in the distance, so I grabbed my umbrella along with my folding yard chair and set up my spot to enjoy the music. I parked myself under a huge, lush tree which protected me from the light drizzle we got before the concert. It was a perfect place to sit, but I was prepared to bolt if there were any signs of lightning. As it turned out, the sprinkles ended and we had sunshine again before sunset. There was a light breeze, and a nice crowd that came to watch the show.

This is the whole percussion section in one shot. Ladies on each end, and the guys standing in the center. The music was wonderful, and my favorite drummer sat at the drum set for a Duke Ellington medley near the end of the concert.

Handsome asked for "breakfast for dinner" once he saw the beautiful bottles of syrup, so we made homemade waffles, topped with fresh syrup along with farm fresh fried eggs. Just the right amount of food, considering he was sleeping in his favorite comfy chair shortly after he settled into it.

So, the day was productive and entertaining. That's a definite win in my book. I'm running errands this morning. Craft Day is this Saturday and I'm leading the project. I have a few things to pick up for what I have in mind, and then I'll grab a few groceries before coming back home. I can see already it's going to be another great day! Hope you can say the same.


  1. Yay for good days! I love breakfast for dinner so Handsome was on the right track. Besides, how could you not sample that wonderful syrup?

    1. Hi MA:
      We're big fans of breakfast for dinner, too. It's always so fulfilling when he reacts this way to my efforts.
      Have a great weekend, dear.

  2. Glad you didn't have too much rain to enjoy the concert.
    We sometimes have breakfast for dinner also.
    Enjoy your day.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I really dislike it when they have to move the concerts to the Cow Palace at the fairgrounds. It's not nearly as much fun there. I think people were prepared to sit with our umbrellas in the rain rather than go to the fairgrounds. It turned out to be a beautiful night. Happy weekend, dear.

  3. Breakfast for dinner is always the best.
    Glad the weather was decent.
    Looking forward to your project choice for craft day.
    And we're headed into the weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      The best, is right! Simple good food. Protein with sweet. yum! I hope the ladies like what I've chosen for us. It's going to be really simple, but their personalities can still shine through. We'll see how it goes. The weekend already. It's a mixed blessing. I miss the interminably long summer days of my childhood. This time is passing way too fast. Enjoy every second, dear.


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Blessings, Donna