June 3, 2024

Take Me Out To The Ballgame...

Sunday weather was perfect for a trip to Milwaukee to watch a ballgame with loved ones. Especially when our team - Theeee Milwaukee Brewers - won! Baseball is my all-time favorite sport, and it was so nice to share the game with Son #1 and his family.

Three of my favorite guys in front of the ballpark.

Grandson and his mom. All these folks made for a flawless recipe for a perfect afternoon.

On another subject - 

With the weather bouncing all over the map, my hands have been feeling it. Especially my left thumb. I've been treating it with Tylenol™, organic castor oil mixed with frankincense, and Blue Emu™. They help, but it's been difficult for this southpaw to hold a fork, let alone a needle. 

Which is my way of telling you there's been no progress on the frogs since last week. Believe me, I'm hoping things improve. I really want to get back to working on them. I only work my regular ten hours this week, so I'm going to be optimistic that I accomplish something on them soon. I'd cross my fingers, but that hurts, too right now. sigh What's the old saying? "Getting old ain't for sissies." Yes. That. 


  1. You had a good day for Baseball.
    I do hope your hands feel better soon so that you can do what you love.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      It was perfect all around. My hands felt good enough to stitch a bit on Monday. (Finally)
      Happy Week, my friend.

  2. We're baseball (Blue Jays) fans here too. Our team isn't doing well but we still follow them.
    As for your hands, try to get some Absorbine Linament Gel (Amazon has it). I find it works better than anything I've tried yet. I know it's supposedly marketed towards horses but our family has used the liquid form for years. Now that they have the gel it's much easier to apply.

    1. Hi MA:
      I'd follow our team no matter what, too. I simply love the game. So much skill and finesse! I'll get some of the linament and try it! Thanks for the recommendation, girlfriend!

  3. Sherry of createology: A fun day of family and baseball…”Batter Up”…Priceless! Your Grandson is very handsome. I feel your thumb pain because I have it in my right thumb…being right handed. I have yet to find anything that works. Just rest it and keep praying. Triple digit heat for us!

    1. Hi Sherry:
      It sure was fun, dear! I agree, he's handsome, but I know I'm completely unobjective. He's so happy to be finished with his studies! Sorry we share the hand maladies. I've tried ice, heat, Voltaren gel, natural remedies, pills and preps. It's frustrating, to say the least. I know you understand. If I find something that helps, I'll let you know! As for the weather...When I got to work today, it was 80º inside and they hadn't turned the air on yet. I stood taking care of customers, perspiring, and then realized we needed to turn it on. My hair was perfectly coiffed when I left home, but I was curling up, making me look like a gym teacher by noon. I'm seriously considering chopping all this off again and going short as I did the whole time we lived in Florida. I'm getting too...old to worry about my hair! I'm in that awkward growth stage right now. I'll see how I feel about it tomorrow.

  4. Another great weekend in the books.
    Great photos too.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I couldn't agree more, dear. Thanks so much.


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Blessings, Donna