February 29, 2024

One More Day...

I made good progress yesterday, but think it will be one more day before I can release this beauty and turn it into a completed brooch. 

Is it Thursday already? The days just seem to fly by. Whoever said that retirement was a time to slow down was obviously never retired. I know. I have my little side "gigs" to occupy my time, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only retiree who finds plenty to keep themselves busy. While it's wonderful to have interests, why is it that now, when we want to savor our golden years, the time speeds by so quickly? I feel like another 8-10 hours a day would be more appropriate.

First thing on the agenda today is baking bread, but during the "in-betweens" I'll be stitching, as well as once the bread is out of the oven. I'm giggling right now. Of course, planning multiple tasks in a day quickly moves us from hour to hour until once again, it's time to bask in our accomplishments as we lay our heads on comfortable pillows. It's nice to have something to show for it at the end of the day.

Well, rather than contemplating the meaning of life, I guess I'd better just get after it. No time to waste. Not even a little bit. See you tomorrow!


  1. I also think this week is flying by.
    Crazy back & forth weather too.
    The heart is beautiful, it must take a lot of time though.
    I wish for more hours too, I have plenty to keep me busy

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I know. This weather is just nuts. No wonder people are getting sick these past few months. These brooches do take a lot of time and concentration, but I love the work. I knew I wouldn't be alone in the desire to have more time. I know how you're busy, too!
      Happy Weekend, dear.

  2. I love the simplicity of the heart shapes filled to the brim with all that pizzazz of the sparkly beads. So pretty! And, oh. my. goodness. I hear you about this TIME thing. Whoosh, away it flies! But, being blessed with many interests and the abilities to pursue them truly is a blessing! Unfortunately, we've observed too many folks retire and not do anything but "rest" only to have a very short retirement... So, we'll keep trying to get as much industrious (and enjoyable!) activity out of our days as possible, even if the days are 8-10 hours too short. 😄

    1. Hi Lois:
      Thanks so much! I wish I could capture the dazzle appropriately in my photos. You really have to see them in person to see just how much they sparkle. And as if time is in short supply to begin with, then I had a turn of events today. darn it! I wrote about it for Friday's post. You'll see what I mean. Hoping to be back to my needlework stand today. Fingers crossed.
      Happy Weekend, dear.

  3. I agree that the days are always 8-10 hours too short. I escape into my sewing room after lunch and it's always a shock when Resident Chef calls me for supper. I always have to look at the clock in disbelief. (the heart is a beaut!!!)

    1. Hi MA:
      Those of us with hobbies get it. Whether it's needlework, sewing, knitting, cooking, gardening or simply reading, there never seems to be enough time. And how come it seems to pass faster now than when we were busy as kids? sigh Thanks for the feedback, dear.
      Happy Weekend.

  4. Donna, you are inspirational today! The heart broach is beautiful. Your "stitchings" always amaze me. And I needed the reminder of no time to waste. Have a great day - Kathy

    1. Hi, Kathy, dear.
      Thanks so much for saying so! I'm sure you keep plenty busy yourself.
      Happy March, my friend.

  5. Sherry of createology: I am swooning my dear! BLUEtiful Brooch! Hubby and I are definitely not sure how we ever had time to work 12-16 hours every day of the week. I love retirement and also am one to wonder how the days fly by so quickly. Blessings Dear…

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I giggle with each photograph. I'm so glad you're liking how it's coming together. Handsome and I have said the same thing! How did we ever get things done when we worked? I guess when all our faculties and bodies were top notch, it helped. lol Now my "creative imperative" keeps me motivated. If the list of projects helps with longevity, I've got a good forty years (minimum) left. (I wish!)
      Happy March, dear.


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Blessings, Donna