February 9, 2024

Here's My Sign...

It was warm yesterday - reaching into the 50s! In fact, we had rain for part of the afternoon, but when the clouds rolled out, we saw this beautiful rainbow in the field behind the station. My boss/girlfriend, Kim went out and took a few photos, and this one showed the most color. She calls this taste of midwinter warmer weather, "Fool's Spring". I'd never heard that term before. I like it, though.

We could see both ends from our vantage point. In fact, we could actually see the other side ending in the field right behind us!! This side appeared to go over the hilltop. There's also a road between each leg of the rainbow, so it was impressive. People coming into the station were all getting out of their vehicles to take pictures.

I told Kim it was a good sign that I should be back at work. It looks like Thursdays and then Friday nights will be my regular schedule for a while - about ten hours a week - and I think that will be perfect. It leaves me plenty of time for my creative pursuits, as well as Handsome, family, and the critters. The best of all scenarios.

I have homekeeping to do before work today, and I'm going to do some adjusting and rearranging in my Etsy shop, too. Hopefully, next week will result in some new listings to share.

Happy Weekend!


  1. The Rainbow is beautiful, I was looking for one but couldn't find it, the sun was up & down.
    We had a big monsoon storm come through last night.
    I hope it washed away most of the snow. It's been warm here too.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      We got heavy rains in short spurts. We mostly had wind that continued through the night and into today. The sun peeked out a few times, but it was mostly overcast and colder here today. Glad it was warmer in your neck of the woods.

  2. Beautiful rainbow! Don't often see those in the winter - at least not around here. And 50 degree temperatures....ahhhh, I can but dream.

    1. Hi MA:
      Same here. It's unusual that we had temps this high, although in 1984 when Handsome and I were married (Dec. 29th), the snow all melted and we got up to 60ยบ! So, I guess it does happen. Hope you're having better weather, too.

  3. Sherry of createology: Such a beautiful Rainbow. We always had “Fool’s Spring” in Northern California. “Flatlanders” aka newbies would always begin planting flowers in February only to have lots of snow and freeze clear into mid May. Ten hours sounds just right for working. Bless You.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      We know better than to do any outdoor planting until at least mid-May, unless it's in a sheltered area. The kitchen garden area is always a safe bet with its sheltered, southern exposure. I agree. Ten hours is just right for this "mature" gal.

  4. Sounds like you had two great days bringing you into the weekend.
    And oh that rainbow, beautiful.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I think you're right. The wind did pick up a bit overnight, and it was cooler today, but the sun helps chase the blues away. So did the rainbow. Hope you have a lovely weekend, dear.


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Blessings, Donna