February 12, 2024

Super Bowl Sunday...

I'm actually not much of a football fan anymore, preferring baseball when it's on or I can go to a live game. Sunday, the television was set to watch the Super Bowl, and I wanted to keep my hands busy.

I spent some time tearing up the studio this weekend, and came across my project bag holding these Plum Sweet hexies, so I thought hexies would be the perfect past time.

I still don't know what I'll create with them, but they're likely to become a table runner for my favorite aunt. shhhh. Don't tell her!

I'll be splitting my time between computer, kitchen, and studio this week. I'm going to make a To Do list to help me focus and stay on task. It always helps. I'll share my projects, as always so you know what I'm up to. 



  1. Those hexies are so pretty!
    Can't wait to see what you create with them.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks. I'm working it out right now. Her table is round, so I'll probably lean in that direction.

  2. Oh, such pretty little hexes! I'm not a football fan myself, but, I didn't mind that it was on the TV yesterday since our children and families were over watching and spending time with us 🥰 Just don't ask me any questions about the game 😏

    1. Hi Lois:
      Same here. I happened to walk out of the room to air out the dogs, came back in and the game was over. Oh, well. lol Hexies were more fun for me.

  3. Luckily for me football isn't of interest in our house. The only thing I want to see is the new Budweiser horse commercial that was aired during the game.
    Beautiful hexies - I love the fabric.

    1. Hi MA:
      I saw the ad prior to the game on Instagram. The labrador belongs to Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn! I saw another IG video today where they were cheering for their dog during the game airing of the ad, and the dog was just lying on the floor looking at them like they'd lost it. lol I always love the Clydesdales ads. They're classics. Thanks, hon. I'll keep on making them until I have enough for a table mat.

    2. I love those ads too and am so glad they brought them back. Have you seen the 9/11 one? If not, google it - and be prepared to cry.

  4. The game was on here, but hubby was reading, and I was stitching. We prefer college football. I too was only interested in the Budweiser horse commercial! Whatever you make with the hexis will be gorgeous with that line. Andrea Hickman

    1. Hi Andrea:
      Sounds perfect to me! The Clydesdale commercials are always the best. Thanks, dear.

  5. So pretty. Those colors match my house quilts and curtains perfectly! I’m thinking of you and keeping your healthy recovery in my prayers. Love from Phoenix.

    1. Hi Charlene:
      No kidding?! Good to know! Thanks for your continued prayers. You're in my constant prayers, too, my friend.

  6. My Super Bowl is on this Sunday, The Daytona 500.
    I'm one of those that thinks if it doesn't have a motor it's not a sport.
    Those hexies look great.
    I'm a list maker also, there is just something so satisfying about crossing each item off the list.
    Snow coming for us Tuesday.
    Enjoy your week.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Oh, I do love the races. Do you know we live about 20 minutes from Road America? Yup. Sometimes, in the summer, if the wind is just right, we can hear the races from here. Thanks, dear. I do love my lists. We were in the high 40s today. I know we'll get more white stuff, but almost everything we had before is gone. It could just get warm from here and I'd be fine.
      Best wishes for a great week.


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Blessings, Donna