February 13, 2024

Tuesdays With Tag - Hangin' Around...

Hi, Everybody!

It was almost 50º (F) yesterday, so Mom took us for a little jaunt around the property. We got quite a bit of snufflin' and runnin' accomplished, but mostly we soaked in the sunshine. As you can see from this picture, most of the snow has melted, so I didn't have to drag anythin' important through the white stuff. That's just dandy as far as I'm concerned!

With the weather gettin' warmer, Mom thought we should give the gardens a little checkup. She said we're gonna need peat, sand, and worm castin's (poop) to mix into the soil before anythin' gets planted, but that won't be for a while yet anyway. 

Mom and Dad took down all the fencin' last fall, so they'll be buildin' somethin' a little more sturdy this spring to keep the critters out. The girls and I can't wait to see what kind of structure we'll have to try to defeat once it's installed. That's always fun.

Of course, Boo and The Kid were outside with us. They really get the mileage from those long legs. Carly was runnin' around the barns, while Bella found somethin' good to smell. Mom was afraid she'd roll in it, but we lucked out. No rollin' (this time).

Mom's keepin' herself busy. She only has to work Friday night this week, so she'll be keepin' us company and gettin' us outside more. We might even go for a ride! She's goin' to Portage on Saturday, so I'm guaranteed a spot in her Explorer, for sure! I'll remind her to take lots of pictures this time!

Before I close, I just want to wish all of you - my friends, near and far - a Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow. I hope you know I love you very much. I'm so glad you stopped in to visit today and every week. You're just the cat's pajamas in my book! (I'll share pictures of lazy butt Claudette soon. You won't believe it.)

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Always make time for dog snuggles."


  1. Glad you got to take a romp outside Tag.
    The snow is just about gone here too.
    Have fun on Saturday.
    Happy Valentines Tag!

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      Thanks! It was a very great day. Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Snowing here this morning Tag - but it's not supposed to last. Happy Valentine's to you, Mom, Dad and all the girls.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      We had snow this mornin', too. Not a fan. Definitely NOT a fan! All of us at the farm wish you a Happy Valentine's Day, too.

  3. Sherry of createology: Oh how Sunshine makes everything so much better. Glad you got to get outside for some runnin. We have Sunshine here but I am inside having a tummy bug. I even had to miss my watercolor class this mornin. Keep enjoying your freedom sweet Tag. Smooches…

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      I agree. I love lyin' down in the back hallway, lookin' out through the window...especially when it's sunny and warm. It's a great place to nap, too. I'm so sorry you're under the weather. We had a bunch of that here, but hope yours is gone in no time. Mom loves seein' your paintin's, so we hope you're back to brush and paper soon! Happy Valentine's Day.
      Get well soon!

  4. Oh Tag, 14 inches of the white stuff here. We had 10 inches by 7:00 this morning. My flock of
    turkeys came in at 7:30 so I schlepped out to feed them. They hung around for a few hours.
    Snow ended about 3 this afternoon. 28 degrees tonight. The weather here is definitely not
    good for your 'important stuff'.
    I know you're going to have a great day on Saturday.
    And sweet boy, I'm wishing you a wonderful Valentine's Day and your whole family too.
    You had a great post today.
    Love you very much too.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      I'm shudderin' just thinkin' about all that white stuff. How awful for you. I bet those turkeys appreciated your schleppin', though. Mom and Dad packed the bird feeders full of seed, in case the weather gets bad again here. They cold/warm/cold is hard on nature. We always try to help when we can. We've even had a raccoon sleepin' in the girl's beds out in the barn. Mom said he (or she) isn't hurtin' anyone, so we're just leavin' that coon alone. (She's not feedin' it though, so it doesn't move in permanently.)
      Happy Valentine's Day!!!
      Smooches and Snuggles,


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Blessings, Donna