February 10, 2024


During one of my web wanderings, I came across this image explaining the architecture of sixteen different barn styles. You may or may not know that I have a great fascination with these structures. In the past, I have had an emotional reaction to being inside them.

I think I've told this story before, but I'll share it again. Years ago, I was talking with a friend about my reaction to being in barns. For no apparent reason, I just tear up and start crying. I have no real explanation for it. I've told people, for years, that I thought perhaps I used to be a pioneer woman in bygone days.

On this one occasion, I looked at my friend and repeated that, but then thought for a moment and said, "Or maybe in a past life I was a cow?" She broke out laughing, and I've been pondering that ever since. Whatever the reason, I do love these buildings and as a younger woman, always thought perhaps I'd live in a converted barn. Now, I'm happy to live on a property with our two small red-painted buildings - even though one was actually a machine shed and the other a wood shed. I do know the difference. 

At any rate, I hope you enjoy seeing this image, too, showing some of the different styles. I know, though, that the English and octagon barns are missing from this list. They're wonderful, too. 

Work went really well last night, and once I got home, Handsome and I enjoyed the rest of our quiet evening surrounded by furry creatures. It was really nice. I'm hoping to get back to my needlework this weekend and plan to show you what I accomplish on Monday. See you then!


  1. I love to drive in the country & see a lot of barns with barn quilts, so pretty.
    Glad you enjoyed your day.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Me, too! I had a great day, thanks.

  2. Barns are so fascinating and beautiful. Glad you are feeling back to normal. Bev in NS.

    1. Hi Bev:
      Thanks for the good wishes, dear. I'm glad to see another barn fan!

  3. ooooh - you KNOW I'd love seeing the barns!! There were some there that I hadn't seen before so that was a treat. I've always been fascinated by barns (must have come from growing up on a farm) and hate to see many of them falling into decay. Always wanted to be able to draw and paint them but my talents don't lie in that direction, so fabric became my medium and now I can't keep up with all the ones I want to recreate. That fascination has gone over into old abandoned vehicles and tractors too. I have 'snagged' your picture for reference, thank you!
    Glad that work didn't tucker you out too much!

    1. Hi MA:
      I KNOW you love them! xo I love your barn creations. It really hurts my heart to see the ones that are just allowed to decay. There's a whole abandoned farmstead with huge barns that was abandoned when the highways rerouted. I lament its condition every time we drive past it. It's almost criminal to see such waste of something once so wonderful.
      Work really was great. Thanks, hon.

  4. Thank you for sharing the barns! Having been raised a city girl, my best memories are going to my grandparents farm and playing in the barn - similar to the western prarie barn. I would actually climb into the loft and jump down into piles of hay, chase wild kittens, and help my uncle milk cows and hand grind corn to feed the chickens. I never wanted to go home to the city.
    I am glad you are getting back your health so you can do your activities. - Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy:
      What wonderful childhood memories. Although we lived in the country during my teenage years, and I've lived all our married life in farm country, my love of barns grew out of the close association to them, never having a red building until we purchased Hickory Hill Farm. I can only imagine the fun you had at your grandparents'. I'm feeling so much better, dear. Thank you.

  5. Sherry of createology: I also adore barns. I once lived in a farmhouse with a big giant barn that had an owl living in it. Of course I was young and the owl scared me. Thank you for this information on barns. I cannot imagine you as a cow! A pioneer woman…yes. Sunshine Smiles Dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Oh, I never knew you, too, lived in a farmhouse. We always hear the owls barking around here - and when we lived in Florida. I love the sound of them. I rescued a small one when we lived in Florida. I ended up taking it to a rescue, so I think it survived it's accident. I was driving home from knit night and it must have been swooping down to get a mouse. It swooped right in front of me, and bumped into the front end of my Explorer. Thankfully, I wasn't driving too fast, and had a blanket in my car. I covered it and drove home with it. It hooted the entire drive, and when I got home, I realized it was because once I covered it with the blanket, I picked it up upside down. It must not have liked that much. lol I was much more careful driving at night after that, too. I don't really think I could have been a cow either, but who knows? hee hee. Happy Sunday, dear.

  6. Great post, I too love barns, probably because I've been a farm girl all my life. I also have several great barn prints hanging in my home. There is just something about barns.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      How wonderful that you, too, grew up around barns, my friend. I have barn books, and even drew up a floor plan from a dream I had years ago. There's just something about them that has captured my soul. I imagine you know exactly what I mean.


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Blessings, Donna