February 5, 2024

Saturday Class...

This is the goldwork class I took on Saturday with Clara (Clara Stitching). Its a cross that can be embroidered directly onto fabric, or as a separate patch to place after sewing. These images were shared by Clara and are not my pieces.

She taught this class in conjunction with her new association with a company from Minnesota called Ecclesiatical Sewing. (The name of their business is a link to their online shop.) They provided the bib and tabard fabrics and patterns for the bibs, as well as the original white cross patch used in the class. Clara taught her technique for adding the goldwork to the patch.

Eccliastical Sewing carries many fabrics and supplies to create your own religious vestments, and other religious articles, including some goldwork threads. It's nice for me that they're a next door neighbor to Wisconsin!

Clara's class was to create the gold (gilt) cross, however she also stitched the piece in silver, which I think is equally beautiful.

My plan is to create the gold version on a Christening gown that I'll offer in my Etsy shop when it's completed this spring. Once that one is done, I'll likely stitch the silver version on another gown to sell. My gowns include bonnets, so my plan is to add goldwork touches to that, as well.

I''m feeling well enough to make bread today. It's been three weeks since I did so, and it's about time to restock our supply. I owe Andy a loaf this week, too, for clearing our driveway when we were too sick to help in any way. I'll likely send a dessert up the hill today, too. Don't worry, though. I'm going to take it nice and easy. I absolutely do not want to relapse back to that sick girl who I was one short week ago. Better safe than sorry. 

Tag will be back to see you tomorrow. He's missed sharing his myriad irreverent thoughts with you. I'll see you again on Wednesday!


  1. Beautiful work.
    Ye, do take it easy & don't overdo it.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Clara's pieces are always so wonderful. I probably did a bit much today, but I know I'll sleep like a log...and rest tomorrow. Thanks for caring. (I loved your sunset photo on IG today!)

    2. Thanks, we do have gorgeous sunsets! We love it here!

  2. That cross is stunning! I can see it worked onto a bible cover.

  3. Absolutely exquisite pieces! I can’t imagine the work needed to complete those. I am very excited to see your christening gown when you finish! Take care. Andrea Hickman

    1. Hi Andrea:
      She does such beautiful work. I'm looking forward to creating the gowns this spring. You know I'll share as I work on them! wink.

  4. Sherry of createology: These works of Clara’s take my breath away. They are so beautiful and I know yours will be beautiful also. We are having a week of grey and rainy days. Baking bread would be so warming and homey. So glad you are feeling better dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Aren't they wonderful? I'm going to have a lot of fun creating mine. I think I'll do one in gold, and then the other in silver for variety. I'll share as I work on them. The whole house smells of fresh bread and apple pies. Bread and pie up to Andy and Shelly, and the same for here. Handsome is pretty happy tonight.
      I hope the sun comes out for you soon. We got lots today, so I could take a new photo of Tag for his post. Even when it's cold, sunshine improves a mood. Hope you get some to enjoy, my friend.

  5. The christening gowns should be perfectly elegant!

    1. Hi Lois:
      Ideas are swirling around in my head right now. I'll be working on frogs and then turn my thoughts to the gowns. Thanks for stopping in and leaving a note for me!

  6. Strange! I know I commented on this yesterday and it's not showing up. Perhaps you have to approve it. Either way, I know I mentioned I thought this would be beautiful on a bible cover.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna