February 8, 2024

My Long Day...

I hadn't baked in weeks, and we were overdue for fresh farmhouse bread. I also was in the mood to bake a couple apple pies for us - and to send up to Andy and Shelly. 

I began the day with egg bake muffins for us for breakfast. They're easy, just sauteing mushrooms, green peppers, bacon and onions. Once cooled, I mixed in beaten eggs, salt and pepper. I sprayed muffin pans with Pam™, and then filled each cup half full of the mixture. Into a 425ยบ oven for about 20 minutes. Gluten-free and tasty.

I spent most of five hours on my feet baking the bread and making the pies, but it was so worth it. Two loaves and a pie went up the hill, and we again have fresh bread for toast or sandwiches. I admit, I was pretty tired by the time I finished up. I actually didn't realize it while I was busy, but I was ready to sit down and relax by the time I was finished.

I'm scheduled to work for a few hours today, and again tomorrow night. I'm taking this morning easy and should be fine for those few hours. I'll be back home by 4 pm today, so I'll have a nice quiet evening with Handsome and the critters. I won't work tomorrow until 4 pm, just working through the dinner hour, so I'll be back home by 7. 

Don't worry. I'm being extra careful to take care of myself and not overdo it. I'll be back to my needlework by the weekend. How can it nearly be the weekend again already? sheesh!


  1. All of the baking looks delicious.
    What lucky neighbors! :)
    Do take it easy if you work today.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Work was busy but easy today. Thanks so much for your concern, dear. Happy Weekend!

  2. Oh my, how I wish that picture could be a scratch and sniff..mmmmmm. LOL! Your "taking it easy" is equal to a very productive day for those of us who are simple, average folks. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Glad you are feeling so much better! (And, I'm wondering how it can be February again already?!?!)

    1. Hi Lois:
      I always wish the same thing when I'm browsing the internet! Perhaps someday. Baking day was definitely not "taking it easy". I paid for it for a couple days. It really was too soon for such things, but we really needed bread, and I really don't like store bought if we can avoid it. I'm with you about February. Heck, I'm still writing 2023! Happy Weekend!

  3. You must really be feeling better if you can do all that baking in one day.

    1. Hi Mary:
      I felt better while I was doing it, but my bum knee flared up for two days and I really was more tired than I usually would be after the day in the kitchen. I probably did too much, but I won't need to bake again for another week now. By then I should be close to normal. (Fingers crossed.)
      Happy Weekend!

  4. I'm with Lois in wishing for scratch and sniff capabilities! We had what you call egg bake muffins for breakfast this morning actually (we call them mini quiches).

    1. Hi MA:
      I'm giggling, dear. Mini quiches is a much more sophisticated name for them! (Why didn't I think of that?) Happy Weekend!

  5. Sherry of createology: Your Hickory Hill Farmhouse must have smelled wonderful with all that baking. Everything looks so delicious. You must be loving your pantry remodel. Enjoy your work with hungry customers. Being social is good for the soul.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Thanks, dear. I can't tell you how much we're loving the pantry remodel. Our carpenter, Jeff told me today that when he ordered the doors, he had to put a reference on the order. He wrote "Closet Kitchen". The rep at the company asked him about it and he said, "Yep. Closet kitchen." I laughed when he told me, but he said he's really happy with the way it all turned out and he's quite proud of the result. It was a great day at work today. It went fast and I came home feeling great.
      Happy Weekend!

  6. At first glance that could be a picture for Ina Garten's cookbook, but I know better.
    Note to Ina: see above picture, this is how it's done.
    And another weekend already and we're into February, how do these things happen so fast.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Oh, dear. You made my weekend! To be in a league with Ina would be a dream come true. I really can't believe it's already mid-February! Time sure flies as we mature. sigh
      Happy Weekend!


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Blessings, Donna