February 24, 2024

She's Entirely Too Comfortable...

I don't even know what to say about this girl. Claudette loves being in the house, and her favorite spot is on the back of the sectional. From this perch, she can watch all the activity out our north window, and the cushions seem to fit her just perfectly. Our sectional is always covered with quilts to protect against dog hair, but now, it seems we're also guarding against comfy cat hair, too.

I walked into the living room on a recent sunny day, and this is the scene I encountered. How is she even comfortable like this?

She didn't budge while I stood right over her taking pictures to prove this cat is thoroughly happy letting it all hang out. Even being sniffed at by Carly didn't seem to phase her even one little bit. Oh, Claudette! 

I think I'll just leave you today with these visions of a completely contented and amusing "barn" cat.


  1. Cats are comfy anywhere.
    She's a pretty girl.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I'm relearning that. I was a child when last I lived with a cat. I agree with you, though. She really is pretty. Thank you.

  2. She is one happy cat! Andrea Hickman

  3. Oh my - talk about being in the lap of luxury! I don't suppose Handsome is thrilled with her being inside though.

    1. Hi MA:
      She sure is! Handsome recently admitted that he doesn't mind the cats so much. He's not thrilled about the litter box. I don't blame him, and I'm doing my best to keep up with it. (I even bought "Pretty Litter". sigh)

  4. "Barn" cat? Hmmm. I'm not so sure about that anymore. 😆 Maybe she is winning over Handsome? He could become a "closet cat liker." Growing up, my Dad would always protest about the cats we had, BUT, whenever you could sneak up on him alone in a room with a cat, he would be talking kindly to it and patting it gently on the head. 🤫😄

    1. HA! Not so much barn cats this winter. That's for sure. He smiles and pats her head once in a while, but he's really resisting. I'll never say never, but I'm not holding my breath for all-out affection. I love the story about your dad. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. She is a precious cat! Your photos are bringing smiles.
    Her nap haven is perfect with a great view.

    1. Hi Eileen:
      She really is. I'm so glad they make you smile, as they do me. It's really her favorite spot in the house.

  6. Sherry of createology: I adore kitty cats and Claudette is beautiful. She is so fortunate that she found your loving home. You and and handsome are blessed with both species of the unconditional love fur children.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Thank you, dear friend. I really think she and Crystal appreciate being here. I'm also glad that we're able to love and provide for all of them. It warms my heart.

  7. I just love to see when our creatures know that they are safe and secure in a loving home.
    Claudette you are so beautiful and I'm so happy you are having a wonderful Winter.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Funny you should mention the "safe" part in your comment. The past week, coyotes have been calling at night (and they're close to the house)! I always checked on the girls last thing at night when they were in the barn to make sure they were tucked in and safe from predators. It's mating season for the 'yotes, so they're all around right now. I feel so much better knowing they're inside - at least for now. As the weather warms, both girls are getting restless to spend time outside, but Claudette has learned to tap on the storm door when they're ready to come back in. What a hoot! Thank you, dear. I think more snow is in the forecast for this week, too. sigh


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Blessings, Donna