February 19, 2024

A Weekend of Finishes...

Let's begin with three completed goldwork Heart Brooches that I'll be preparing to mail tomorrow. (President's Day today. No mail service.) I backed them with the same cork fabric they're perched on for this photograph. Each one is signed and dated with my wee signature acorn. Which one is your favorite?

Saturday's Craft Day in Portage was so much fun. I got to try something I hadn't done before and I really enjoyed it. We needle felted snowmen. I don't have all the photos to share today, but will share all of them on Wednesday so you can see everyone else's sweet result.

This is my completed guy. I was watching (actually, listening so I didn't poke my fingers with the felting needle) Harry Potter while I was finishing him yesterday so I named him "Erroll". I added a wee cardinal that landed on his hand. For those in my age range, I named his little red friend "Flynn". I know you'll get the reference.

Handsome wanted to take a photograph with me in it, so you get an idea of Erroll's size. I didn't even stop to straighten my collar, and I'm au naturel (sigh), but you get a reference for how big my snowman turned out.

Linda P. was our leader this session, as she'd already made 6 snowmen of her own. Each one different from the rest. She provided kits, and we provided felting needles, scissors, felting mats and enthusiasm. There's enough wool roving in my kit to make a second snowman, so perhaps Erroll needs a companion?  Not right away, as I have frogs and hearts to stitch first, but I'm definitely going to make another one of these cute projects.

All in all, it was a perfect weekend for crafting, and I'm excited to have completed all my projects before it was all over. Fun. Fun. Fun.



  1. It's a hard to pick a favorite heart, but the one with gold "sprinkles" really drew my attention as it looks just like a cookie treat. 😊 The snowman is marvelous! I do agree that Errol probably needs a companion... a female named Olivia? With a little bird or squirrel...perhaps deHavilland...

    1. Hi Lois:
      Thanks for the feedback. I love that one, too! I'm so glad you like my snowman. I've got photos of the others now, so I'll share them on Wednesday. Olivia? My niece's name. She'd love that! and a Squirrel!!!! squeee Thanks for the ideas!

  2. The plain one is so pretty.
    Erroll is too cute, great job.
    Love the added Cardinal.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks, dear! It was a really fun project. I'm glad you like them.

  3. All of the hearts are beautiful! I love your snowman. I’ve watched needle felting videos before and wanted to try. I do not need to add another craft and it’s equipment to my burgeoning sewing room though! I’ll just have to watch you enjoy that one! Andrea Hickman

    1. Hi Andrea:
      Thank you so much! He was so much fun to make and I only poked myself once! (Yay, me!) I know what you mean. I'm committed to keeping these supplies in one, single case. So far, so good. You're welcome to live vicariously through my attempts.

  4. Two awww-worthy projects! Erroll and Flynn (yes, I get it!) are adorable. As for favourite heart, I would have to say the one on the right in the photo.

    1. Hi MA:
      Thanks, dear! I knew you would get the references. hee hee. That was the first one I did. I love how it turned out.

  5. Sherry of createology: I love seeing your photo holding Erroll. He is a very handsome snowman. I adore each of your hearts dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Thanks, dear. I sure had fun with the whole project. Of course, I love making the goldwork pieces, too.

  6. Hearts are beautiful, could never pick a favorite.
    Erroll is adorable, I think it's the eyebrows that give him so much personality and he looks so
    happy to have a friend with him.
    Photo of you and Erroll is great.
    You ladies always have the best day together.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Thank you so much. They're all my favorites. hee hee. The ladies said that about Erroll's eyebrows, too. They said he makes them smile. I really like that! Thanks for your kind words about Erroll in my hands. We sure do have fun when like hearts gather, dear.


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Blessings, Donna