October 31, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Happy Halloween...

Hi, Everybody!
Greetings from the Hickory Hill Ghosts this Halloween.
I know. You're scared, right? Not so much? I get it. This was the best picture Mom could get of the three of us for this year. She was exhausted when the photo shoot was done, and Dad even tried to help. 

First, I'm thinkin' it shows each of us perfectly. I mean, Boo has her tongue stickin' out. She's the one on the left. I'm sittin' like the bestest boy I am, but I accidentally stepped on my sheet and the part where my eye holes were separate from my mouth hole tore, so I think I look more like a nun than a ghost! Then there's The Kid. She stepped on her costume and tore it all to heck. Once that happened, she got all antsy and didn't want to sit still. That's where Dad came in. He made sure she didn't completely wreck the picture.

When Mom looked at the pictures after we were all back inside, she saw that the orange pumpkin basket was tipped over. Perfect. She tossed her hands in the air and declared this our official 2023 Halloween picture. It depicts all our personalities, and shows that our photo session was a little chaotic. She said she could live with that. 
As for the three of us? We were glad to be out of our costumes so we could resume runnin' around in the yard. We wanted to get a couple laps in while it was still nice outside. The weather got rainy and colder after that, so we were stuck inside to plan more Halloween tricks to pull on Mom and Dad.
We're gonna stay tucked inside and stay out of trouble. (I think we might have been on Mom's list for a while, so we're gonna make it up to her by behavin' today.) Mom said she's gonna dress up like a homemaker in comfy sweats, and Dad said he's gonna wear his farmer jeans and a flannel shirt. Sounds like a usual night around here to us! 

If you're goin' Trick or Treatin' tonight, be safe out there. If you're stayin' home and handin' out treats, we hope your house doesn't get TP'd. Just be sure to have fun with the neighborhood ghosts and goblins. 

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog." 


  1. The picture is too cute, Tag!

    1. Thanks, Miss Marilyn!
      Tag (Bella and Carly, too!)

  2. That photo is a keeper! Well done Tag (and Bella and The Kid too)...and well done Mom and Dad for coming up with such great costumes.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Thanks bunches. We hoped for treats, and were happy to jump out of our costumes when it was all over!
      Tag (Bella and Carly, too!)

  3. Sherry of createology: This is the reality photo that depicts kids and their antics…I adore it. Tag you do resemble a Nun however I believe you might make a better Monk. Happy Halloween and Good Treats!

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      All we needed was a little tp in the background! I don't think I'm well-behaved enough to be a monk, but it's Halloween. I can just pretend!
      Tag (Bella and Carly, too)

  4. Oh Tag, it's a good thing you explained who was who, cause it was hard to tell with you all dressed alike.
    I hope that the orange pumpkin was filled with treats by the end of the photo shoot.
    Great Halloween photo.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      I know! If it weren't for my ears stickin' up, we probably would have had you baffled. snort. Right! We did get some cool frosted mini shredded wheat treats from the cereal cabinet when we got back inside. It was fun, but we were glad when all those pictures were taken.
      Thanks for sayin' how good we looked.
      Tag (Bella and Carly, too!)


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Blessings, Donna