October 20, 2023

No Progress Today...

As you can see, I haven't made any progress on my frogs at all. I mounted the fabric into my hoop, and then placed it on my second favorite stitching frame...this one is a table mount (with two different size clamps) that I ordered custom from a lovely young woman from Russia in 2022. I wrote about it HERE. In retrospect, I was quite fortunate to receive it, as I placed my order and it was shipped just before relations between our country and theirs tanked. Sadly, she no longer posts her beautiful needlework or stands online anymore.

Yesterday turned out to be another day of rest. I spent a little time in the studio, tossing paper (I thought computers were supposed to eliminate that?), and generally doing a light tidying up. We even had "if-it's" for dinner, because I just didn't feel like cooking a full meal. Mind you, no one suffered as we had some pretty tasty leftovers in the refrigerator. "If-it's" is a term my mum always used. "If it's left over in the fridge, we can have it for dinner." The term has stuck with me all these years, so my family is familiar with it, too.

Therefore, today is going to involve setting up and padding my froggies. I'll likely move into my Lowrey stand for the needlework, and then put it back into my signature hoop to photograph. I'm hoping to get all four set up so I can begin the goldwork over the weekend. We'll have to see how much I can accomplish toward that end. Gosh, is it already Friday again?!!


  1. It's ok, you need your rest.
    We have "if it's" a lot too. :)

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I've been resting a lot, my friend. I love reheating leftovers. I really dislike waste, so I try to use them up before they go bad - which is to say within a few days. lol

  2. I had to chuckle as I related to your post... oh, twenty-five years ago or so, I remember hearing about how our society would probably be "paperless" with the advancement of computers. Yeah, right. My shredder has never been so busy. LOL! And, we have those kinds of nights, too; but, we call it "Fend for Yourself Night". I really like "if it's" better. It sounds kinder. (-: Wow, four frogs at once! You have really become quite accomplished at this type of needlework!

    1. Hi Lois:
      Exactly!!! I've (rightfully) never trusted our computers not to fail and take important information with it. For that reason, I frequently backup the important things to paper. Then, there's the creative rabbit holes where patterns and inspiration might be found on the internet, which accounts for multiple 3-ring binders filled with printouts. It's never ending!
      sigh Thanks for your kind words about the frogs. I figure I'll improve the more I practice.
      Happy Weekend!

  3. I like the term 'if it's' - very fitting for 'planned overs'. Four frogs at once, you go girl!

    1. Hi MA:
      Never heard them called "planned overs". I like that, too. We say ours as one word...ifit's. lol
      We'll see how my plan to do four frogs at once goes. I'm hoping I don't get everything tangled up as I work. Fingers crossed.

  4. Sherry of createology: I have just read your recent posts I missed. We took a day long drive this week to get Jesse Jeep fully dirty with fine Sandy dirt we have here in Utah. Had a picnic lunch under a shade tree. Literally spent the day just exploring. Now back to housework and watercolor homework. Your Froggies will be wonderful!

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Blogger is giving me grief when I try to reply to comments. I'm going to try answering them during the day so I don't get hung up in "high traffic". Your trip sounds wonderful, my friend. I can't wait to see what you paint next!

  5. Paperless, obviously someone didn't think that one through. We have said so many times that if our shredder ever died we would need a new one instantly.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Right? I've had computers crash on me in years past. If it hadn't been for my paper backups, I might have lost everything. Technology still makes me nervous. ugh. I was just telling Handsome that we need to purchase a new shredder. I have such a backlog, it's going to have to be a heavy duty one!
      Hope your weekend was restful, dear.


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Blessings, Donna