October 10, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - It's Gonna Get Spooky Around Here...

Hi, Everybody!
I thought this was a good picture from last spring to get you in the spirit for a little October mischief. Just make believe it's a late fall photo, okay? Bella, Carly and I have been talkin' with Mom about what we want to be for Halloween. 
Carly has some real hair-brained ideas (pink and lots of bows), but we know Dad would definitely put his foot down for that. So far, Boo has come up with the best idea, and we can all get on board with it, so Mom is already workin' on makin' it happen. Any guesses how we're gonna get dressed up?

The weather is already gettin' chilly, so this weekend we're gonna get some help so Dad can get the accommodations for Claudette and Crystal moved into the barn for the winter. Mom says she's gonna do a little research to find out the safest way to add a little heat (maybe a lamp for chickens?) if it gets really cold. She told Dad she talked to Miss Shelly, and she said it's actually supposed to be a warmer winter, so we may not even need one. That would be good, we think. Mom can't do any liftin' so she'll be pointin' and sayin', "Move it over there, please. No. Maybe over there instead." You know how it goes. I'm sure Dad will be thrilled. not

Meanwhile, this cooler weather is prime temps for retrievers and corgis. We love it when there's a little nip in the air. It's perfect for fetchin' and runnin' around the yard without gettin' overheated. We've all got a little pep in our step because of it. It's funny to see how Mom and Dad bundle up to take us out in the mornin', too. You'd think it was already below zero. Wussies.

Anyway, that's what we're up to these days. It won't be long before we'll be takin' costume shots to share for Halloween, and you won't want to miss that! In the meantime we'll just try not to roll in all the good smells of autumn. We wouldn't wanna wreck Mom and Dad's good moods. Gotta run. We don't wanna be burnin' any daylight!
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog." 


  1. Oh Tag, I can't wait to see what you & your sisters will be for Halloween.

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      I know Boo and I can pull it off. We're just not sure about The Kid. We're keepin' our paws crossed.

  2. Beautiful picture Tag. I'm sure you'll do a good job of supervising the Grande Move to the barn. Just make sure the Kitty Hotel is put in a good position out of drafts.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Mom's not happy that they'll have to go back to the barn, but she's gonna make the best of the situation. I'll make sure they all stay in line. I am a herdin' dog, after all.

  3. Sherry of createology: Hi Tag Dear. You and the girls will be lookin good for Halloween and that means some really good treats. Very nice of Dad to help move the kitties into the barn. I just hope he does what Mom wants. Falling leaves and Autumn breezes.

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      We're hopin' The Kid cooperates. She's a little high strung, you know. Kid bein' the operative word. If Dad were gonna do what Mom really wants, they'd be in the house, stinkin' up the joint. He'll make sure all their furniture gets put where Mom wants it though, and they'll be almost toasty warm all winter. Hope you have some good snuffles where you are, too. This time of year is our favorite!

  4. Looking forward to the costume parade.
    I'm with you on the cooler temps and a pep in your step.
    Have a great week.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      We're gonna be stylish, for sure. hee hee It rained on Tuesday, so we were mostly inside, but Wednesday should be a better day for hangin' around outside. We'll see.


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Blessings, Donna