October 24, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - All The Good Smells...

 Hi, Everybody!

This one's gonna be quick. Mom is workin' on our costumes for Halloween, so we'll be sharin' all about that next week. 

It's been pretty great around here this past week. On Sunday Son #1 and his family came to visit. Before they left, everybody (includin' the fur bearers) went outside. Boo, The Kid and I were enjoyin' the snufflin' around in the grass, but I may have gotten carried away.

The people were gatherin' to take a selfie. Of course, I saw that as my opportunity and I skeedaddled as soon as they weren't lookin'. If it hadn't been for the dustmop that lives down the road, I might have had a true adventure.

As it was, after about 10 minutes, the bipeds heard Miss Connie's dog barkin' - and it was prolonged. It was just enough to get everybody down to the corner, and I was busted. I was the reason the other dog was barkin'. I launched a few choice words over my shoulder as I was bein' led away. 

Mom didn't even holler. She said she was just really glad I didn't get run over by traffic on the crossroad. Me, too!

So, the next time you see me, I'll be in costume with those other two. This oughta be a great, good time. At least there should be treats! We shall see.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog." 


  1. Please don't wander Tag, you might get hurt or lost.
    Can't wait to see your costumes!

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      Mom said the same thing. It's hard, you know. There are sooo many good smells out there right now. sign

  2. Tag, you MUST stop going on adventures like that. Mom and Dad's hearts can't handle it.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      So, I stay home and guess what? The neighbor's little poofy dog was in OUR yard yesterday! Mom and Dad tried to catch him, but that little bugger is almost as fast as me. He stood on his porch, draggin' his tie out, so Mom knocked on the door and let them know their dog was loose and had been at our house. They took him inside after tellin' Mom how grateful they were that he didn't get smacked in the road on the other side of their house. (Our road is quiet. The other side is a death trap!) I'll try to be more careful. Thanks!

  3. Be a good dog.

    I want that on a tshirt!

    1. Hi Miss Sandi:
      Thanks! That's a great idea! I'll tell Mom she needs to get right after that.

  4. Sherry of createology: Oh Tag…You little Puppersnapper! You really do know not to run off like that. You scare and worry your wonderful mom. Now for Halloween I would think you might be “Crash Dummy”. That way you are safety belted in and cannot run off. Hahaha. You know I Love You My Little Corgi Cutie. Smooches…

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      HA! That's really funny! I think that outfit would be better for The Kid, except as scattered and screwy as she is, Mom calls her a Meth Lab. snort I promise to try to do better. I wouldn't want to hurt your heart by gettin' car-smacked.
      Love you, too.
      Smooches and Snuggles,

  5. Hey, Mr. Fluffy Butt, you need to get your adventures in order and that means in mom's sight at all times.
    Looking forward to next week and the costumes.
    Be a good dog or at least don't skip off!!

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      Fluffy Butt. I like that, considerin' I have a magnificent tush. hee hee I try to be good, but sometimes a guy just has to wander...and all of them were lookin' the other way, after all. It was too temptin' to resist. We're gettin' pictures taken the next sunny, non-windy day for Halloween. We told Mom we need treats, too! I guess I'd better behave if I want treats!


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Blessings, Donna