October 9, 2023

Bringing In The Sheaves...

I'm currently working on a piece that will be a gift, so I can only show you a little peek today. I'll have it completed by mid-week, and I'll share the entire piece at that time.

Right now I'm stitching wheat stems and making lots of bullions for them. I had to resort to using my tiny needlework pliers to pull that needle as my hands were getting sore trying to do it without a little help. The pliers make a huge difference.

I'm going to create a page to share all my favorite needlework tools and hardware. I'm working on it now and should be able to share it soon. I want you to know what I really love after all these years of stitching. I hope to have it created and published here in a couple days.

For now, I'll be stitching away on this. I think you're going to like it, and I'm hoping the recipient(s) will, too. It's cooling off in Wisconsin now, so it's a perfect day to make a cuppa and sit down with my needlework. I'll share more on Wednesday, and Tag will be back with you tomorrow.


  1. It's so pretty.
    Your bullions are perfect!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks so much. Except for needing a needlework pliers to pull the needle through the bullion stitches, I'm having a great time working on it. I appreciate the compliment, dear.

  2. I couldn't live without my pliers (but mine, I expect, aren't as pretty as yours because they were pilfered from my Resident Chef's workshop years ago). Your wheat is looking great!

    1. Hi MA:
      Mine aren't especially pretty, except that they're tiny and have lavender handles.The big thing is that they help me pulling needles, so I'm glad you have some, too. I'll take all the help I can get! lol Thanks for the kind words.

  3. Sherry of createology: I cannot imagine how your hands are able to do so much stitching. I have had to use pliers on needlework and on my beading. Congratulations on becoming an Amazon Associate.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I was going to say, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who needs them", but it's kind of a backhand compliment, isn't it? I mean, I wish none of us needed them. I'm just happy that we have these "helpers" to use when we need them. I think you understand my intent. I'm looking forward to building my associate links, and we'll see if they bear fruit. wink

  4. Beautiful. On occasion I've had a bullion or two turn into a very large French Knot, go figure.
    Looking forward to the tools and hardware information, amazing how many tools and gadgets are out there and also so very useful.
    Cooling off here also, 49 this morning.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Believe me, it took me a lot of practice to get the hang of bullion knots, and every once in a while, I'll look at my piece just to try to remember how to make them. sigh It's not as bad if I stitch more regularly. It's like anything...practice, practice, practice. lol We finally turned the heat on. I had to get up in the middle of the night, and even with the boiler heating the farmhouse, I was shivering! At this rate, it's going to be a long winter! Stay warm, my friend.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna