October 6, 2023

Giveaway Time!...

Are you ready for a giveaway?
I'm so grateful to all of you who read my blog each day, whether or not you comment. If you want to be entered into the drawing for your very own wee goldwork frog, though you'll definitely need to leave a comment for me. The winner may choose to have their frog completed as a scissors fob or a brooch, or simply a stand-alone froggy.

Here are the details:

• You can enter once a day between now and midnight OCTOBER 31st, 2023. The winner will be chosen via Random Number Generator at midnight, and announced on November 1st, 2023.
•  Enter once each day if you follow this blog. You must be a follower of my blog to enter the giveaway.

•  If you follow Brynwood Needleworks on Facebook, you can leave a second comment each day.

* If you follow Brynwood Needleworks on Instagram, you can leave a third comment each day.

* BONUS ENTRY if you share my giveaway link on Instagram, Facebook, or your blog! ❤️

• The winner doesn't have to live in the United States. If you win, I'll mail your frog to wherever you live.
• ALL comments need to be on THIS post to count. I'll be adding a button in my sidebar that will link back to this post to make it easier for you to find each day to enter. 
• Please leave your email with your comment (unless your profile connects to an email) so that I can send a message to you if you win. Comments without emails or a way to contact you will be deleted. If you  want to avoid putting your email address in your comment, you may send me a private email with your name, so I will know how to reach you if you win. (My email link is in my sidebar.)
That's it. I won't be replying to each comment on this post, but I'll see them all, and each one will count toward the drawing. 
Thanks Again & Good Luck!!


  1. That little Froggy is sooooo cute!

  2. Someone will be very lucky to win this little charmer, for sure!

  3. Oh he is super cute! Andrea Hickman

  4. Sherry of createology: Donna Dear you are so kind and generous. I love your little wee Froggy! Createology@sbcglobal.net

  5. I have to participate! clarastitching@gmail.com 🥰😘

  6. I sure would be happy to win that precious little thing.Carla Finley

  7. Adorable. I would love to win it. pw.poetker@comcast.net

  8. This little creature would have a wonderful home here with me.

  9. So beautiful! I was talking about you just yesterday about the beautiful work you do. Absolutely love it! Lucy thefarmersattic@gmail.com

  10. wooohoooo I would love to win this seriously toooo cute little guy. thank you Donna - as you know your blog means the world to me!!! many hugs

  11. cant wait for the tools page.....for the cats.....this is a much safer option to the heat lamp.
    i have one very similar, different brand. i am on my second only because the gsp pup ate the cord. didn't get hurt, just shut down the surge protector had no issues and no fires. had to get one to keep Thor warm after the cats fed Thor my husbands bp meds by pushing them off the counter where Thor was only too happy to listen to the cats and eat the bottle, pills and all. Thor is now 7 and doing well. Sam and Bella are aging well too they just can't trick Thor anymore because the humans got smarter than the cats. i don't know about this brand but the heating is awesome. everyone wants their own so full disclaimer don't let Bella, Carly and esp Tag know about it because they will all want their own. Unless your thinking non traditional Christmas gifts????


    1. Thanks, Jody! I'll be getting one of these to install in their new outdoor "dresser" accommodations. xoxo D

  12. I would love to be entered to win this frog! He is SO cute! And your stitching is beautiful!! Thanks for the opportunity!

  13. This is my 2nd entry. tpatterson1961@gmail.com

  14. Good morning!!!! many blessings for a wonderful day!!!!

  15. Love reading your blog...what a talented individual you are. I also enjoy Tag's posts! Would love a chance to win the frog.

  16. love having the time to get caught up on your blog....definitely brings my life much joy!!! more frogs oh my....that tag...what was up his nose???....great post about switching things up a bit and not being in a rut...thanks are in order to your hubby too.

  17. sharing a link that i hope will bring laughter and happiness

  18. Happy and blessed Saturday!!!! trying to win this little frog lol

  19. You are so into everything you do with perfection including your Blog that enjoy everyday! From Sandra

  20. I love those little Froggies!

  21. Yay for frogs! I love him! I hope you made him!! Bobbi bobbi orris09@yahoo.com

  22. This froggy is so cute. Reminds me of our Green Tree Frogs here in Oz. lyn.robyn.smith@gmail.com

  23. Sherry of createology: I like your Wee Little Froggies very much. I am entranced with the Blue you are now creating. Happy Stitching Dear…

  24. Happy Halloween!

  25. Hi Donna, I decided to try anonymous because I don't know if my post have reached you lol. Still hoping for the wee little frog!!! Many blessings Jody


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna