October 25, 2023

Monday Breadmaking Class...

Another result of going for lunch on Saturday was that Mary and Pat wanted to come and watch me next time I baked bread. I told them I was planning to bake Monday, and they were welcome to come on over. We had an informal baking class, and we sure had a great day together.
Once the dough was ready, I formed it into four loaves. One goes up the hill to Andy and Shelly, and three go into the freezer or breadbox here. I had reserved enough dough so that the ladies could bake their own once they got back home.
Mary sent a message to me first with a photograph of her loaf. She formed hers and placed it on a sheet in the oven, rather than using a bread pan. She said she thought her oven might have been too hot, because the bottom of her loaf got darker. I actually wouldn't have noticed had she not told me. We discussed it and I suggested she place her oven shelf up one notch for next time. I think it looks great.

Pat's picture came next. I love how she photographed it with one of her autumnal tea towels. She baked her loaf in a foil pan that I sent home with her. I had suggested that I was going to bake my loaves with an egg wash on the top this time, and she did the same. Another beautiful loaf.
This is how my egg washed loaves looked when they came out of the oven. Mary kept saying she thinks I should do a cooking/canning/baking show. YouTube and Facebook would likely be better venues for me. I told her I'd think about it.

You can tell by the photograph that Handsome is awfully happy to have fresh bread again.That smile makes it all worth it...and visiting with two girlfriends for most of the day wasn't too bad either.


  1. I bet it was a fun time baking bread!

  2. I am inspired by these women who continue to want to learn new things! You're a fine teacher - it's lovely that it seems to run in your family... you and your sister share your skills with others. 😊

    1. Hi Lois:
      I think Jan would love to read this. Thank you so much for saying so.

  3. I can almost smell the aroma in your kitchen! Handsome looks pretty happy with the largesse in front of him and I know your friends are pretty thrilled with their new skills.

    1. Hi MA:
      It sure did smell good. I'm sure you know what it's like, dear. Handsome is the most grateful spouse. He always lets me know, too. I'm truly blessed.

  4. You just have the best friends, what a special day.
    And the picture of Handsome says it all.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      We did have a delightful day. Handsome loves my fresh bread, for sure. It's hard to stay ahead of him. lol


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Blessings, Donna