October 23, 2023

Just Do It...

l-r: Patti P., Kathy W., Pat B., me (back), Mary S. (front), Karen C., Mary B. and Nan S.

Today I'm sharing a little food for thought. I'm going to tell you about my Saturday and how I had an epiphany. Perhaps it will change a few attitudes out there that could use a little adjusting like mine did. 

Early Saturday morning I got a group text from some of my girlfriends from high school. Some of these ladies were involved in planning our class reunion, and some weren't. It really doesn't matter to my story as we've all reconnected and become friends. Anyway, the text was asking if we wanted to get together for lunch at 11:30 at a local restaurant.

I'd planned to stay in and stitch all day, so I replied that I "had other plans" and couldn't make it. When I went downstairs I told Handsome and he said, "That's great!". I told him I'd declined. When he asked me why, I said that I just thought I'd hang around at home and stitch. My dear husband said that really didn't sound like me, as I grabbed a cup of coffee and thought about what he'd said. He asked me whether I liked these ladies, and I said I surely did. He suggested I text back and tell them I'd changed my mind.

I collected water and food for the barn girls and headed outside to feed them, and I started thinking about what he'd said. He's right. It didn't sound like me. Why would I rather sit and stitch at home as opposed to having a fun get together with girlfriends? This is a rut I fall into when he's in Florida, too. There are weeks when I don't leave the house...and I'm content. This time I started thinking that I was just being lazy.

I went back into the house, told Handsome that he was right, and I decided I wanted to go to town and meet up with the ladies. I sent a text and said that I'd changed my plans and would be there at 11:30. I finished my morning coffee and ran (well, maybe I not ran) upstairs and got all gussied up to drive out for lunch.

I'm so glad I did!!! My whole attitude changed as I drove to town, and seeing these girlfriends was so worth the trip. We all chattered about what's been going on in our lives; what we're planning for the near future; and ate a tasty meal together. 
Some of the gals were planning to go out to our city park (located on Lake Winnebago - the big lake you see if you look at a map of Wisconsin) to meet up with another classmate who competes for largest pumpkin/squash/tomato with her husband, and they were showing off their ribbon winning pumpkin there. When I left home, the sun was shining and it had begun to warm up a bit, so I'd just grabbed a vest to go to lunch. While we ate, the weather turned, and it got windy. (A few other gals hadn't grabbed jackets either.) We knew it would be "cooler by the lake", so we declined. 

Before we parted ways, we asked the hostess at the restaurant to take this picture of us. I shared it with the group on Facebook, and classmates and other friends commented on how great we look. My reply was that it doesn't seem like we're all creeping up on seventy (years old). My knees would say otherwise, but even if we do look 69-70 years old, we're all still young at heart and have great fun together. We're already planning a weekend away in February!

I'm telling you all this because my day would have been vastly different from what it became - and it would have been predictably usual if I'd stayed home. Don't get me wrong. Being home is not boring, drudgery, or bad. That's why it's so easy for me to choose that option. 
The truth is that we need our friends. We need a personal interaction that we can only get from friends, and most of all, we're social beings who need to be around those people from time to time. Handsome gets his weekly dose from musician friends at rehearsal. I get mine from girlfriends - and my sisters - and I'm so glad I went.

Not only that, but two of the gals see my regular baking posts on Facebook and asked if they could come and learn from me next time I bake bread. It just so happens that I'm baking today, so they'll be here soon and we'll bake together. I'm really looking forward to it!

If you're a home body, consider getting out a little more often. Spend time with friends and family who help "refill your tank" - people who replenish your soul. Know that you're doing the same for them, and you're twice blessed. At the end of the day, we all need each other. Oh, and don't forget to hug. We all need hugs, too!
PS. For some reason, I can only get a few replies written to your comments before I get a message saying that my reply failed to post  and I should "try again later". So, if you don't see a reply from me right away, that's likely why. I promise I'll get back in to answer your notes. Thanks!


  1. Sounds like you had a great time, glad you went.

    1. HI Marilyn:
      We had a great time, indeed, and I am beyond happy I went.

  2. There's an old saying 'seize the day' and I think that's precisely what you did. You might want to read the poem I shared in my blog post here that sort of addresses the same thing... https://magpiesmumblings.blogspot.com/2023/10/yawn-eeee.html

    1. Hi MA:
      I think you're right. I'm heading to your blog right after I finish replying to these comments.

  3. Sherry of createology: I am so glad you listened to Handsome and enjoyed your friends. It is rare to have such good friends for so long. I also tend to be a homebody…especially after dark. People energize me when I’m an extrovert…however I can be a complete introvert at other times. Enjoying our wonderful Autumn weather. Hope your weather is wonderful too.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Funny how our friendships developed all these years later. I'm so grateful for these ladies, too. My little sister describes herself as an extroverted introvert. Considering I really am an extrovert who loves to be with friends, I do love my alone time. I'm glad you've got some good weather. It's been dreary and blustery here the past couple days. Soup weather is right around the corner.

  4. Glad you decided to go. I've had several instances over the years that I didn't want to go/do, but
    ended up going/doing and turns out that each time it was the best time, who knew. I think I just
    get too comfortable with my routine, I enjoy my home, yard and needlework and can always find something to entertain myself with, but it's still good to get out into civilization.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Nice to know I'm not the only one. I get comfy here at home, and going out means getting dressed more "presentably" and putting on makeup. When I do, I love it, so I just need to make it a more regular habit. Like you, I'm perfectly content with my home pursuits. I'm going to make an effort to get out more.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna