October 19, 2023

A Patriotic Evening...

Dear Diary...
Last night was truly an evening to remember. Handsome and I traveled to the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center in Appleton, WI to hear the United States Marine Band (The President's Own) play a stirring selection of music. 
First, let me say that this concert was free to attend, and there were busloads of band kids that came with their music directors to see and hear these talented musicians. As a musician friend of Handsome's said, "They're fun, fast and accurate." That was an understatement! When they performed Festive Overture, Opus 96 by Shostakovich, they took it at breakneck speed. It was breathtaking to witness.

Here's the program with all the pieces they played, and there were a few encores that weren't listed. The soloist (who was also the MC) performed the Marriage of Figaro, and for an encore, he sang "If I Loved You" from Carousel. As the concert closer, the final encore was "God Bless America" also sung by the soloist, and the entire audience rose to sing it again with him. I was in tears when it was all over.
It was just the sort of patriotic evening we needed. In fact, I wish their performance could have been broadcast nationwide. It brought that entire audience together in music and song, and was wonderful to witness and be a part of. I think we could all use a little of that right now. 


  1. I bet it was awesome!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      It really was. I really was in tears by the end, and have had "If I loved You" stuck in my head ever since!

  2. Sounds amazing and definitely something Handsome would enjoy. No doubt you're right in thinking at we all could use a little patriotism, no matter what country we live in.

  3. What an amazing evening. And yes, we most certainly need so much more of this.


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Blessings, Donna