October 18, 2023

It's Froggy Time...

It's time to make more wee frogs, so I pulled out all my supplies last night. I'll begin setting up the designs today, and I'm planning to have three or four in the hoop at the same time. I'm planning to hold one of each color aside until after the Gratitude Giveaway drawing the end of the month, so the winner will have a choice from the different colors.
(A note to MA: See the purple handles? Those are my 3" needlework pliers. They're from BeadSmith, in case you're interested. Let me know if you need a link.)

Of course, I'll have a green one, and then I'm planning a blue one (see the colors closest to the tweezers? Those.) Do you think I should do a couple other colors? Purple? Yellow? Pink? Do you think I should do  fantasy frogs or just stick to more realistic colors - even though the frogs are sparkly and beady? Let me know in the comments, please, as I'm planning to pull more fibers after the patterns are drawn on the fabric, and I get my fabric hooped.

We got an awful lot done yesterday. The weather was perfect to clean out the last garden bed, and then each of us sat on a yard tractor and mowed the acres of grass. It goes faster that way. Then I slept for two hours! Handsome has decided that while I'm still healing - from now on - I'm going to have quiet time for at least two hours every afternoon. A forced rest, if you will. I'm all for it. 
It will be perfect that I start today, as we have a concert to attend tonight. We're going to see the Marine Band (The President's Own) perform in Appleton, WI. Handsome and I know two former conductors, one is Ret. Capt. Michelle Rakers (who I wrote about HERE when she was still assistant conductor. She became principal conductor prior to her retirement from the military a few years ago.) Handsome and I are really looking forward to seeing the band perform in our home state.
I'm ready for my morning coffee, and then I'm off to play with needles, thread and beautiful, sparkly fibers. Happy Wednesday, dear friends.


  1. Ooooo, look at those luscious fibers!
    I think green & blue are the best colors, so pretty.
    Hope you had fun at the concert.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks! We had a great time. I'm going to stick with green and blue for now.

  2. Nice pliers! I love the blue handles (mine are a dingy blug...ha ha, I just typed 'blug' instead of 'blue' and went to change it and then thought better of it...blug fits!).
    Can't wait to see the army of frogs you create. And before you wonder, a group of frogs IS called an army (I googled it).

    1. Geez Louise! Not only can I not type, but I am colour blind too!! The pliers are purple, pay attention MA!!!

    2. Hi MA:
      Welcome to my world. lol Blue, purple. Doesn't matter really. They're tiny and fun and easy to pack with your needlework supplies. Plus, there's the benefit of taking pressure off our hands. Bonus! Hope you have a great week, dear.

  3. Such great colors, and purple pliers too!
    Great idea with the two hour quiet time out.
    I'm sure you will enjoy the concert.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Thanks, dear. That quiet time is much welcomed these days. I'm not fighting it one bit.


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Blessings, Donna