October 21, 2023

Something On My Mind...

As I work on my wee frogs, I've been contemplating another project. I have these (along with many more) gorgeous Michelle Palmer drawings on fabric. To say I love her work would be a huge understatement.

I have a few ideas in mind for what I want to do with them, so while I'm stitching felt to fabric, and then beginning my goldwork, I'll continue to think on this. I can only do the goldwork during the day, however what I have in mind for these I could actually work on in the evening. 

Once I do something, you know I'll certainly share it with you. I can't ever keep secrets from you. I'm awful at that. So, keep your eyes open. You may see what I'm thinking about sooner, rather than later.

Don't forget to keep entering my Gratitude Giveaway! The link is in my sidebar - over there ----------->


  1. These are so pretty, love the Squirrels, can't wait to see what you make.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      The squirrels are my favorites, too. (You're not a bit surprised, are you?)

  2. I have a couple of Michelle's drawings too - one is on a tote bag and the other is like yours and I've never quite come up with a fitting project to do it justice. Am now anxious to see what you end up doing!

    1. Hi MA:
      I have a whole tin filled with "Palmers". I adore her work, so I think it's time to do something with them. I hope you like what I come up with!

  3. Sherry of createology: I also love Michelle’s hand drawings. You have quite the collection. I am always too late when I see her adorable mice. I am most curious what you will be creating. Happy Froggie Stitching…

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Michelle has a huge fan base. I want to be like her when I grow up. I have some mice in my assortment, so you'll have to see what I do next. heehee


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Blessings, Donna