October 30, 2023

Gettin' Froggy With It...

Now that I have the Pumpkin Patch pouches out of my head (there are only two left in my shop), I can get back to stitching my wee frogs. The green frogs are padded felt, and the blue frogs are padded dyed wool. That's why the "eyebrows" look like they're two different sizes - optical illusion because one eye has more dark blue on the wool than the other.

Today, I'll add the pearl purl outlines and then fill in the bodies. I'll do the outlines all at once, and then progress to the next step for each one. (Kind of like putting on both socks and then shoes, instead of one sock and one shoe, and then the other.)

I love doing these little guys, and will have them finished when I announce the Gratitude Giveaway winner on Wednesday. The winner can choose how they want me to finish theirs...a scissor fob, brooch, or free standing.

Remember, the giveaway ends tomorrow, and the only entries that count will be your comments on the original post HERE . You get multiple daily entries by also following me on Facebook and Instagram - but all the comments have to be on the giveaway post. You still have today and tomorrow until midnight left to add more entries, so either click on the link above, or click on the giveaway button near the top of my (right) sidebar over there ---------->

I'm going to have my morning coffee and then I'm back to my needlework. Tag and the girls will be here tomorrow to wish you a Happy Halloween! I'll see you again Wednesday.


  1. They are cute already!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks! I'm hoping I can glam them up a bit from here. lol

  2. Marilyn beat me to it - I was going to say just that! They ARE cute.

    1. Hi MA:
      Thanks! I love the padded stage, too. Now to favor my own magpie heart and bring on the bling!

  3. Oh these are adorable Donna. Hope you are having a lovely end to October. Hard to believe Thanksgiving is almost here. Hugs!

    1. Hi Debbie:
      Thanks so much, dear. It's already getting cold, but I don't mind as the sun was shining all day. It's the gloomy days that I have trouble with. You're so right. Hard to believe the holidays are nearly upon us.

  4. I love seeing the tadpoles transform into frogs.
    How is it that November is a day away?

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Got a little more stitching done today, after running errands to help Handsome choose new frames for his glasses. I can't believe the year is quickly coming to a close! Yikes.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna