October 27, 2023

MIA Needles...

Two evenings ago I decided to work on a little needlework while sitting in the living room with Handsome. You know how I hate to sit with idle hands or at least something to do. I haven't done an autumn color-themed strawberry yet, so I thought, "Why not?". I set up my hoop and sat down to stitch for a bit.

After dinner, I put my hoop into my basket, placing my two large embellishing needles on my pinkeep. I put my needlework basket on our coffee table, and went into the kitchen so Handsome and I could do our usual post-meal cleanup. 

We didn't take long. Tag sat in the kitchen with us the entire time, hoping for a bit of "dropped" leftovers; Bella went upstairs and hopped on the bed, hoping to sleep upstairs overnight; and Carly was in and out of the kitchen. It was nearly midnight by the time we finished up and turned off the kitchen lights.

I went back into the living room to take my needlework basket upstairs, and these two needles were nowhere to be found. I panicked. What if Carly ate them? How could they just disappear? Handsome was sure that if anything, Carly might have knocked them on the floor with her tail as she passed the table. I wasn't convinced. 

Out came the flashlights to try to spot the sharp, metallic needles. On our hands and knees, looking under furniture. (I know. Not smart for me.) Finally we pulled out the vacuum and hoovered the entire room (actually the entire downstairs!). Still no needles, and this is definitely not my idea of needle dancing!
After searching for an hour and checking Carly's mouth to make sure she hadn't punctured herself (no blood found), we went to bed, sure she was okay but still uneasy that they were lost.

It wasn't until yesterday afternoon that Handsome came up to me and told me to close my eyes so he could place something in my hand. That's always an iffy proposition around here, but I did as asked and he placed one of the needles in my hand. I asked where he found it and was told it was on the middle of one side of our sectional in the living room. When he showed me where, we picked up the back cushion for that section, and there it was...the second needle!

Understand that I knew full-well that I'd most deliberately placed those needles safely in my basket. How they came to rest on the sofa is beyond me. All I do know is that they're safely tucked in my needle book now, and I'll be even more careful in the future. I'm so relieved that they're not just floating around. I pride myself on never dropping a needle that I didn't find, but it's never taken more than a few minutes. I'll be even more vigilant going forward. 

I'm nearly finished with the Michelle Palmer projects I'm working on. I'll be back to share them with you tomorrow.



  1. Your embroidery is always so beautiful.
    Glad you found your needles, but don't you wonder how they got there?
    I've found every needle I've last, except 1.
    I think maybe it;s under the couch.
    I also can't sit with idle hands, I need to be doing some kind of stitching.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Handsome and I have been scratching our heads trying to figure that out. It's just so weird. I hope you find your wayward needle, too. I could hardly sleep that night, I was so worried about one of the dogs being hurt. I'm so glad it's back where it belongs.

  2. There's nothing quite like losing needles, especially when there are pets around. So glad you found yours and that they didn't cause damage to pups OR humans!!

    1. Hi MA:
      I couldn't agree more. I'm very relieved that we finally found them.

  3. Glad everyone was okay and the needles were found. I’d have panicked. I finally bought an extendable magnet at Tractor Supply to help me find dropped needles and pins. Didn’t work great around my recliner but still picked up the needle (and the recliner frame!) Works like a charm when I’m sewing and drop a pin. I don’t even have to bend over. Lazy I know! Andrea Hickman

    1. Hi Andrea:
      I really panicked, too! I do have a long wand with a magnet, but thought if they were there, I'd be able to see them with our bright flashlights. We just weren't looking in the right place. sigh I can rest now, knowing they're back in my needle book.

  4. Sherry of createology: Panic is what comes to mind. With pets and their curious nature I would be very worried. Thank goodness all is well and the needles were found by Handsome. Now you can Needle Dance the proper way. LOL

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I agree. I was scared to death that Carly had somehow managed to ingest them. I'm so grateful they were on the sofa instead. Needle Dance, I did!

  5. That would have been panic for me. Maybe just a good swing of an unsuspecting tail.
    I would have been having a serious conversation with St. Anthony.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      That's what we're thinking. I learned a good lesson though. I won't be relying solely on my needle minders to keep the sharp things in place from now on. I went a bit over St. Anthony's head on this one. I was praying she hadn't eaten them, so I needed to go up the ladder a bit.
      It's getting really chilly now, and we've got snow in the forecast for next week! Noooooooo! I hope you have a great weekend, too, dear.


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Blessings, Donna