October 2, 2023

The (Maybe Not So) Big Reveal...

I hope you had a wonderful, restful, beautiful weekend. The weather was perfect here, and Handsome and I had a nice weekend, too. It's hard to believe it's already Monday. How come the weekends go so fast? sigh
So, are you ready?
My koi pond is finished. My wee fish is finished. I put them together this weekend so I could share them with Clara's class. My teacher loved it! She shared it on her Instagram page, and made sure everyone saw my completed piece. In fact, at least one other student said she wants to do a koi pond for hers now, too! Handsome said I'm a "brown-nose" who's working on being teacher's pet. I just laughed. Isn't he cute?

Here it is in the sunlight, and if you follow me on Instagram - or belong to my Brynwood Needleworks Facebook group - you've seen a video I created to show how it sparkles. Click HERE and you can watch the video.

Once it was complete, I told Handsome that I (like some of you) thought it needed something. Perhaps someone to keep the fish company? I love the dragonfly idea, and may yet do that, but I started this yesterday...

and I'm hoping to finish it today. It's not very large, so I can tuck it into the plants on the other side of the bowl. Again, having taken I photo, I see where I have to make a few minor adjustments. 

I'll match up the purl curves on his back, and adjust the purl around the left eye so he doesn't have what Clara calls "googly eyes". I don't mind that the feet don't all match. I mean, they would likely be in different positions on a real frog, right? Once I've done that, I'll add the rest of the goldwork and then release him into the pond. I'll share pictures again once that's finished.

I'll probably do a dragonfly later, as I have a project or two I need to work on first. I'll finish froggy and then will be on to the next thing.


  1. It turned out so very cute.
    Mr. Froggy will add to the cuteness.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks so much! Hope you have a great week.

  2. Very cool!!! I completely understand why the teacher would be anxious to show off your finishing. And now, to add a frog....brilliant!!

    1. Hi MA:
      It was quite rewarding, I must admit. I completed the frog yesterday, so I'll share it on Wednesday. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  3. I loved the dragonfly idea, too! But, a frog - wonderful and perfect to tuck into the grasses! Can't wait to see how you complete it!

    1. Hi Lois:
      There might yet be a tiny dragonfly added to the collection, so we'll have to wait on that one. I completed the frog yesterday and will share on Wednesday. Hope you have a great week!

  4. Sherry of createology: WOW!!! Very beautiful in this pond setting. Adding the frog will be perfect. Your creative skills are beyond amazing as are your stitching skills. Happy October Dear…

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I'm so glad you like it, dear! It was so much fun to create. The frog is already finished. It will make it's big debut on IG and FB today, and I'll post about him on Wednesday. Happy Week, my friend.

  5. Such a great finish and to add a little companion for him, so special. Your creativity is amazing.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Thanks so very much! I'm glad you like it, too. The frog is already done, so I'll be adding him to the pond and will share Wednesday. I truly appreciate your kind words, dear. I hope you have a wonderful week.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna