November 14, 2020

The Staff of Life...

Brynwood Needleworks - Baking Farmhouse Sandwich Bread

I'm up to my ears in lovely yeasty goodness. I baked four loaves of Farmhouse Sandwich Bread yesterday, and will be making French bread today. I'm stocking up the freezer for when Handsome gets back home - and I'm planning ahead for my upcoming surgery. I'm going to have a weight lifting limit of five pounds for at least eight weeks, so I'll have to take it easy.
I'm going to rest - and stitch or sew - on Sunday. Today, I'm going to enjoy some kitchen time. Handsome will be so happy when he comes home to homemade bread (and other baked goodies).



  1. That looks delicious!
    Have fun baking.

  2. mmmmm - those look SO good!!! There is nothing that compares to the smell of baking bread.

  3. I can smell that wonderful aroma. Looks delicious. Will pray your surgery goes well. Take care.

    1. Dear Debbie:
      Thanks so much for your compliments and prayers. Have a Blessed Sunday.

  4. Oh sure, now I want to bake bread! I can smell it from here. Prayers for a successful surgery and recovery.


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Blessings, Donna