October 28, 2020

The Last Blooms...

Brynwood Needleworks - Hollyhocks In The Snow

I think these will be the last blooms for this year, but we're supposed to have warmer weather (into the 50s) toward the weekend and into next week. So, you never know. These are some of the heartiest plants we have and they are in a southern, protected exposure.

Handsome and I will be taking out the screens, and washing windows this weekend. The hollyhocks will be trimmed down for the winter, and the last of the porch decor will be stowed away until next spring. Perhaps we'll have more autumn left to enjoy, but we know winter is right around the corner.



  1. They are so pretty.
    We were washing windows here last week also.
    Crazy weather, got cold, now warm again.
    Maybe we will have Indian summer after all.

    1. Dear Marilyn:
      How I love Indian Summers! I hope you're right. That would be lovely.
      Washing windows (and more) over the next few days. We'll enjoy these days while we can.

  2. My outdoor chores are finished, and we're enjoying several sunny days in the 70's. Picnin in the park with good friends today..


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Blessings, Donna