April 24, 2020

More Bread Making Tips...

Brynwood Needleworks - Baking Tutorial Step One

I shared another live video on Facebook yesterday. This is for the "measuring and mixing" first steps to produce tasty homemade bread. I haven't linked into YouTube yet (which I plan to do soon), but you can find it by going to my Brynwood Needleworks page on Facebook.

Handsome is having a little fun on this one...my silly, funny camera guy. The video is only about twenty two minutes long, but I share some of the tips I learned in my bread making classes that will help make the process easier for anyone who would like to learn how to make their own tasty homemade bread. There are three other videos from last week that show the rest of the steps. This one also includes my recipe!

Brynwood Needleworks - Today's Loaves, Ready For The Oven

I took a photograph before my loaves headed to the oven today. They've been formed into loaves, risen for 45 minutes, and then scored on the top before heading into a 400º gas oven.

Brynwood Needleworks - Finished Loaves

They came out of the oven about 55 minutes later, a lovely golden brown. The farmhouse smelled like a bakery all afternoon, and our dinner included slices of crusty, fresh, warm bread. Well worth the time and effort. 

Let me know if you'd like any information you can't tease out of the videos, and as soon as I get things transferred into YouTube, I'll be sure to let you know.
Keep Calm and Carry On...At Home


  1. I'm sitting here with a huge smile on my face because as I'm reading this post and seeing your lovely bread I can actually smell it. Really. Hah - there's a loaf of Irish Soda Bread cooking in the oven as I write! Good timing wouldn't you say?

  2. So many people are baking homemade bread in this strange new normal of isolation and markets running out of products. Your videos will be extra helpful. Love seeing you in action.

  3. Dear Magpie Mumblings:
    How perfect your timing was! I haven't made Irish Soda Bread (yet). It's on my list. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy, my dear.

  4. Hi Sherry:
    I was telling Handsome today that we're low on some things in the pantry, but we've got plenty of flour and bread making supplies. We'll be fine. :-)
    Stay Safe, my friend.

  5. You have the perfect face for a tv show. Terrific post! Thank you


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Blessings, Donna