April 13, 2020

Kitchen Fun...

Brynwood Needleworks - Weekend Breadmaking at The Farmhouse

I had a fun weekend. On Saturday morning, I posted a question in my Brynwood Needleworks Facebook group, asking if there were any subjects our members would like me to use for live video sessions.

One request was for me to share some bread making tips and techniques. Well, as it happened, I had planned to make bread, so I asked Handsome for his help, and we got right after it!

I didn't share the initial measuring and mixing steps, which in retrospect I should have, but from then on, we did small videos until the bread was finished. I'm going to do the first part in another video later this week or on the weekend.

Brywood Needleworks - Five Finished Loaves

There are four separate videos showing how I handle the dough, how to set it up for proofing, separating into loaves, and then baking. The videos are far from professional, but there were a lot of comments, participants, and I think I may have even inspired a few friends to get out their supplies to try to make their own bread.

Brynwood Needleworks - Ready For Toast
My back is feeling much better, so I'm going to be prepping fabrics for masks today, with plans to sew again tomorrow. Spring has decided to take its time, so we'll stay warm and cozy in the farmhouse. I checked the forecast in Florida, and it looks like Bella is enjoying weather in the high 80s, while poor Tag is still running around in damp grass and 30-40º weather. Good thing he has a nice, heavy fur coat to wear outside!
Let me know if you have a subject you'd like me to cover in a Facebook live video. Just go over to the group and leave a comment. Needlework? Sewing? Fun in the farmhouse kitchen? I'm curious to know. I hope you've found new and creative ways to spend your days. Have a good week.

Stay Home. Stay Healthy. Stay Safe.


  1. Bread looks delicious as always.Ive been making masks too,clocked up 110 that’s it for now until I get more requests.This weekend I spent crocheting rainbows for my neighbours windows.Stay safe and well all.xx( we are using rainbows to honour our beloved NHS.xx)

  2. I enjoyed your bread making video. Even hubby watched and commented on how much work it is. He really was salivating seeing the finished loaves. I just love everything you do dear. <3

  3. Dear Laura:
    What a lovely job you're doing. I know how much work goes into the 110 masks you created! I also love the rainbow idea. That's wonderful.
    Thanks for the visit today.

  4. Hi Sherry:
    How fun that your sweetheart is watching my videos, too. "Time" is the biggest expenditure when I bake. I so enjoy watching the ingredients transform into bake-able loaves to nourish my family (and friends). Wish you lived closer. I would have certainly shared with you and your husband!
    Stay well.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna