August 14, 2018

Tuesdays With Tag - The Sky Was Falling...

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  Hi, Everybody!
There's no picture of me today...just this.

Last night, Mom, Dad, Bella and I sat outside to watch stuff fallin' out of the sky. Our neighbors sat outside with their grandson - my pal, Eli - to watch from their point up the hill, too.

Eli saw four of these before we went outside, and then we saw one. It was fast, and gone in a flash, and even though this picture isn't ours, it looked just like this! Mom and Dad both saw it, but I think I was lickin' somethin' and Boo was lookin' for frogs.

We also saw bats flyin' around in the yard! Mom and Dad ducked twice because they were dive-bombin' so close, but I was proud of Mom. She giggled, but she's not afraid of bats. If you had me to protect you, you wouldn't be either! And besides, the bats eat mosquitos, so the mozzies don't eat us! 

The days of summer are seemin' to just fly by as fast as those bats. We're enjoyin' time in the yard with Mom and Dad...and yesterday, I even helped Mom clean out the pottin' shed she's set up in the Compass Barn. It's nice enough to take a nap in there now. (Of course, why would I when I have a comfy bed in the house? I'm not crazy, after all.)

Uncle Mike is visitin' family in Wisconsin this week, so we're gonna see him while he's here (with Mrs. Mike, of course). I'm readin' my instruction manual so I'll be on my best behavior (at least, that's what Mom's hopin' for! hee hee). I'm sure we'll tell you all about it when we see him.

Today, we're gonna be hangin' out in the studio. Mom still hasn't been up there to work on her quilt blocks, but she said she's gonna give it her best shot. We'll see about that!

I'm gonna run. So much to do, and time is so...short. (Okay. No low-rider Corgi jokes!)

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...  
"Chase A Dream - Or A Squirrel".


1 comment:

  1. was hoping to see these myself, but we've had several days of rain here in New England (which we'd be more than happy to send to California!) so no meteors!


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Blessings, Donna