August 31, 2018

Perfect Timing...

Simple Abundance Book
This book, Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach, resides in my bedroom. I don't read it everyday - I've had it for years - but whenever I pick it up and turn to the current date, it still reveals a perfectly timed message for me. Such was the case yesterday.
August 30th Entry - bookmark created by Daughter-in-Law #2
You may have noticed that I haven't been too busy in the studio these days. I kind of hit a creative wall following my trip to Kentucky. I had so many irons in the fire that I didn't know where to turn. In my effort to choose, I ended up overwhelmed, and doing nothing.
Yesterday's date entry was about not holding back - or procrastinating - on doing the things I enjoy. How can I go wrong, if any one of the projects waiting for me would be the next thing I work on?
I then read ahead to today's entry which says it's perfectly all right to embrace the downtime, rather than fight it. It said that when the creative spark lights again, there will be a flurry of you've come to expect from me.
So, either way, I can see busy-ness in my future. (Of course, I realize I haven't just been "sitting around"). All I have to do it open our pantry doors to reveal all the jars, filled with my kitchen endeavors.
Lisa Bongean's Twilight Garden Quilt In Progress

While I've been inactive in the studio, Lisa Bongean (owner of Primitive Gatherings) has been busy completing the quilt I've only begun setting up. You'll remember that my quilt has a gray background, rather than Lisa's dark one, but the wools for mine are the same as hers.

Lisa is two borders short of completing her set up. All her blocks are stitched, and she's working on those borders now. Then it will be ready to assemble and quilt. 

I'm actually hyperventilating a little, looking at this. I see just how much work is involved - and how very much I have yet to do. (And this is just one of the projects that I have on my list.) That could completely scare off any needleworker, so I don't feel alone in that regard.

Guess I'll be putting on my "big girl panties", close my eyes and just pick something - anything - to work on. There's a lot of value to the old "fake it 'til you make it" saying. Yes. I shall do that, I think.



  1. Thank you Donna for sharing your honesty regarding hitting your creative wall. My muse completely left me during the very long year plus that my studio was packed away while going through the angst of selling and buying and packing and moving. I just picked up a needle and thread yesterday and found serenity again. My fingers are stabbed and rough but my heart is happy. You, my friend, may be too hard on yourself because I see your pantry full of delicious canned goodies and I see your home full of love and warmth. Time to recharge and reflect is never wasted. Blessings Sweet Donna <3

  2. Donna I am sure your down time will turn into a big flurry of inspiration and activity. There is something about turning the calendar to September that gets me more motivated. Must be that end of summer thing and fall on its way. Glad to read that you were safe from the storms in your part of the woods. Take care and have a great holiday.

  3. It would be fair to say you have more stamina, and creative moments than many of us! How about allowing yourself a day of rest too...…..say at least once a month? You are by far one of the busiest people I know, jumping from one project to another and always completely, it would seem, unaware that most of us couldn't compete in your circus of events. I marvel at your talent!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna