May 14, 2018

It Won't Be Long Now...

Farmhouse Lilacs
All our lilac bushes are in bud, now. If the weather continues to stay warm, we might even have flowers this week. I love lilacs, so I can hardly wait! 
I have a slight dilemma this year, too. Do I enjoy the short-lived blossoms in vases for a week, when part of me wants to make a luscious lilac jelly that can be enjoyed into the summer? I just can't decide.

Today, Shelly and I are heading up to Honeymoon Acres Nursery, not far from here, to purchase some of our garden stock for the year. I have my list, along with a few things I'd like to research. I'm looking forward to our little trip.

Oh, and a little bird update: I've hung six hummingbird feeders this year. We had one hummingbird until after I put up the four newest feeders. Now we have two hummers visiting. I'm hoping they'll tell their friends, so that we'll be able to enjoy lots of them hovering around the house. Fingers crossed!

Tag will be back tomorrow. Who knows what he's got up his little, short sleeve? I'll be as surprised as you are, and look forward to seeing you again on Wednesday.


1 comment:

  1. While driving around here I have seen amazing old growth lilacs...some even growing up into cedar and pine trees...Gorgeous. Lilac jelly? Enjoy your field trip with Shelly. Gardening can be so very rewarding. Lovely Week Dear...<3


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