May 24, 2018

A Little Holiday-Inspired Quilt...

"Tribute To Betsy" Quilt Pattern
I have a number of quilt kits that I'm sorting through. Some I will keep, and some I will make available in my shop. This is a quilt I'm going to keep and make...perhaps this weekend. This was a kit I purchase a few summers ago when Kathy and I went on one of our annual shopping days (in the Sun Prairie, WI area).
It's called "Tribute To Betsy" (from Em and Me Designs), and I have everything I need to complete the top, except backing, which I'll choose from my fabric room. When complete, it will measure 52" x 57", with 24 flag blocks in the design.

I can imagine this quilt placed across the back of my chair on the porch, or resting in the hammock we'll be hanging from the trees in our northern tree line. I love the simplicity of this design, and look forward to using it.



  1. That is the sweetest quilt (kit) - can't wait to see it finished!

  2. Very Sweet and Quietly Patriotic. We need more Honoring our Flag. Can you tell I am NOT a fan of “taking a knee” at our National Anthem? I shall step off my soapbox now. Blessings Dear...xo


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Blessings, Donna