November 30, 2023

It Only Needs A Stem...

Once I've made the twist stem for the top, it will be officially finished, but I just had to share it with you now. It's a tiny bit bigger than my other strawberries, but I love it just the same.

I'll list is up to my Etsy shop this afternoon. Wouldn't it make a lovely gift for a special someone? Wooly Bear, acorn, luscious fall colors. Who could possibly want for more? I'm in love!


  1. It turned out so pretty.

  2. It's gorgeous Donna! I really don't know how you'd part with it but I guess you're like me and the joy is in the creating.

  3. Donna this is so lovely. Your sewing skills are superb. Hope you are doing well. Hugs!

  4. The Wooly just puts this over the top.
    Too gorgeous, I could never part with it.

  5. Sherry of createology: This Autumn Strawberry is exquisite. Your creations are treasures which become heirlooms. Blessings Dear…

  6. It's lovely! How can you part with it?!


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Blessings, Donna