November 18, 2023

Sharing The Process...

I thought you might be interested to see my process for making my wee goldwork frogs, so I've put together a short video with each step represented in photos. Click HERE to watch. I hope you enjoy it!

My nieces have been busy making arrangements for their mum, and we now have a date. Her Celebration of Life will be December 2nd...the day before my Birthday. They actually asked if that would be a problem for me, and I told them not to give it another thought. Celebrating their mum on that date would be perfect, and I'm absolutely fine with it.

I would usually be in Portage today for our Craft Day - in fact, I was supposed to lead the project this month, but I didn't feel right going out of town while my nieces are still here. I am going out to lunch with my best friend, Lee, though. A "dose of Lee" is just what I need to cheer me up. We have a lot of catching up to do, so we may be there a while.

I'll have my latest project to share with you on Monday, but don't forget to stop in for your weekly scripture verse tomorrow. I hope you have a great weekend.



  1. Nice video. thanks for sharing.
    I do hope you have a nice time today.
    I'm sure your friends understand.
    Take care.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I'm still working out how to do decent videos of me actually stitching on one of my projects. As soon as I do, I'll share those, too. Staying home was really what I needed. I'm glad I didn't make the drive. Sorry I hadn't replied sooner. Blogger was acting up so I had to sign off the "matrix" and sign back in to be able to comment. sigh Anyway, here's my reply and I'm up and running again. Thanks for leaving a note.

  2. I'm sorry you had to miss your craft day but somehow I think a long lunch with your friend is just what you need right now. Taking care of you is important!

    1. Hi MA:
      You're so very right, dear. We sat and chatted for three hours at the little coffee shop. In fact, they had to shoo us out at closing time. (They're only open until 2 or 3 o'clock) I really needed that visit, and it was perfectly timed. We promised to do it again soon.

  3. Great video.
    I hope you had a good afternoon out. A bit of distraction always helps.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley, dear:
      It was exactly what I needed. Some families pull together at times like these. I won't even start on our ours deals. I'm sure my dad and sister are looking down at all of it and just shaking their heads. Some things never change. Perhaps some day I'll do another contemplative post about such things. Thanks for your note, hon.

  4. Sherry of createology: Donna dear there will be lots more days for crafting. Taking care of you is very important and spending time with your BFF Lee is good for the soul. I Love your Wee Froggies and you put so much time and care into stitching each and every one. Blessings my friend.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Thank you so much for your comment. After the week we've had, she really is just what I needed. I do love her! I'm so glad you like the wee frogs (One is on its way to your house!) I love creating them, and have another one started that I'll share on Wednesday.
      Big hugs from her to there!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna