November 21, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - I've Been Very Busy...

Hi, Everybody!

 Not busy that you could see from the road, but a different kind of busy. Important busy.

I've been up to the top of my ears tryin' to be silly to cheer Mom up. It's been a very rough (almost) week for her. She's been runnin' around in her Explorer, and also on the phone a lot more than usual. She's been available to help our nieces with funeral preparations, and spendin' a lot of time keepin' close to her sisters. The brothers are mostly helpin' each other, too. The girls are stickin' together.

Don't get me wrong. She's been keepin' busy, but we're also gettin' to run around outside and havin' cuddle sessions inside. We're also gettin' lots of extra treats from Mom and Dad!

On a happier note, Mom and Dad and the doglets got to pose for our Christmas card on Sunday. The weather was unseasonably warm, so Mom siezed the opportunity to gather our clan for a photograph. Claudette stayed close to watch the shenanigans, but didn't deign to grace us with her presence for the pictures. Crystal didn't want to have anythin' to do with the black dogs, so she stayed well out of sight.

We got a really super image to have made into this year's cards, but when I asked Mom, she told me I couldn't share it with you (yet). You're gonna have to settle for three good lookin' hounds (and Dad). Bella's gettin' a little grey in the face, but you can blame Carly for that. I've got nothin' to do with it! 

There's always somethin' goin' on in the yard, so Mom had to be quick to get us all lookin' in the same direction! In the end, she prevailed and we got one frame that's card worthy. She said, "I got it!", so we all bolted into the yard and started playin' around. Another one in the can until next year. Whew! I'm outta here for this week.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog." 


  1. I'm glad you are helping cheer Mom up.
    Those are pics of Dad & the pups.

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      Thanks so much. I'm doin' my best.

  2. Love the top picture - Mom is so blessed to share a home with that good looking crew! 😊 Keep up the good work of administering extra encouraging cuddles now and in the weeks to come!

    1. Hi Miss Lois:
      Thanks! We are a good lookin' bunch, aren't we? We're doin' what we can to keep her spirits up.

  3. Thank you Tag for taking your care-giving duties seriously and helping to cheer Mom up. I'm looking forward to seeing the card-worthy photo because it has to be great to be better than either of these!

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Thanks! We're on the job 24/7, just in case she needs us. The card picture is 100% better, 'cuz Mom's in it! giggle You'll see it soon! Seems like Christmas is just around a short corner now. sigh

  4. Tag your intuition is always spot on, you know when to be serious and when to be silly.
    Just being you, dear Tag is enough to cheer anyone up.
    And in that first pic, you are just King of the Hill.
    I'm sure the card is going to be great.
    Have a great week. And I hope some turkey drops under the table for you on Thursday.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      Thanks for the pep (pup?) talk. We'll keep doin' our job to keep Mom cheered up. I AM Kind of the Hill. The girls know it, but that kid sure tries my patience sometimes. sigh. Hope you have a great week, too. I'll have to park under Dad's chair. I can always count on somethin' hittin' the floor when there's good stuff to eat! Happy Thanksgivin' to you and yours.

  5. Sherry of createology: Hi Tag. You are such a great companion for mom and you are always the very best comfort. This photo of you and Dad and the girls is very Nice. Happy Thanksgiving…

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      Thanks. She's been givin' me EXTRA snuggles every day. I'm sure likin' it, even if her reason isn't a fun one. I'll be right here to help. Happy Thanksgivin'!
      Turkey-flavored Smooches,


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Blessings, Donna