November 28, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - The "Frowsy Factor"...

Hi, Everybody!
As if night time pictures aren't blurry enough, Mom had to take one of me when I'm in a serious moltin' phase! Mom or Dad are vacuumin' the livin' room and kitchen every single day. Sometimes twice even!

Dad says I look like a manky ol' shoebrush. Mom's always grabbin' clumps of my fur as she walks by. I'm sure it's a drive-by pluckin'! Who can I report this to? Can she do jail time for tryin' to de-fur me? I mean, she's brushed me; she combed me; and she's done everythin' except shave me. Nothin's workin'. I just keep blowin' all this magnificent fur.

I kinda have to admit, though, after lookin' at this picture, I can see Mom has a bit of a point. No wonder my nose is always itchy. Both the girls are blowin' coat, too. They're leavin' their black fur all over the house, and it's a lot easier to spot than mine! Nobody's pullin' on their fur. What the heck?

Mom said if I don't get this sheddin' out of the way and done with, she's gonna send me back to Miss Joy's for another groomin'. As much as I love Miss Joy, I don't wanna go back there anytime soon. Believe me, I'd like this done with as much as Mom does. I mean, next thing you know she'll be wantin' to cut my toenails, or makin' me take a bath upstairs, here at home! No thanks.

Come back next week, and you'll be able to see a brand new picture of me. In the meantime, I'm hopin' to dodge the proverbial bullet. Brush me all you want. Just spare me the agony of another bath. That's a definite negatory.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog." 


  1. You look so cute in all of your floof, Tag!

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      I think so, but Mom's not really agreeing on that. She says I'm blowin' hair all over the house. I don't know why I'm gettin' the blame either. All the hair I see lyin' around is black!

  2. Aw Tag - perhaps you should tell Mom and Dad to save all that wonderful fur. Surely it could be made into yarn to make them some cozy winter mittens!

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Mom had a friend who did that with fur from her St. Bernard. The lady said they were REALLY warm, and every time they got damp they smelled like wet dog. Kinda put Mom off the idea after hearin' that. Personally I love the idea. If I can wear fur mittens, so can she! lol

  3. How about a good once over with the vacuum.
    One of our felines loved to be vacuumed.
    Looks like you have some great nesting material for the birds.
    Have a great week Tag, see you in seven and looking forward to the new picture.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      Mom actually tried that today! I sat nice and still for her, and she just zoomed all over me with her little hand vacuum. It was kinda nice, actually. She didn't act like it did much good though. She said somethin' about needin' the bigger vacuum. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. I'll let you know.

  4. Sherry of createology : Hi Tag. You look FLUFFY and cute enough to hug! Shall I wear a black sweater and black suede pants so we can see how much fur you love on me? Hahaha….

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      I'd love hugs with you! If you wear black, I'm sure you'll look awesome, but I can't promise not to leave more than a little hair on your outfit. Based on the shed factor, you'd know I love you TONS!


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Blessings, Donna